- MCPER tapped to lead science of reading audit of Ohio institutions of higher education
- Educator Icon: Vaughn Gross
- Two new MCPER projects awarded $12 million in federal funding
- MCPER Evaluation Team joins new center to improve postsecondary outcomes for disabled students
- Project ELEVATE featured in Office of English Language Acquisition Grantee Spotlight
- MCPER alum Marty Hougen wins IDA Lifetime Achievement Award
- National Deaf Center awarded $2.4M to promote competitive integrated employment for deaf individuals
- Christy Murray named MCPER communications director
- MCPER, UC Riverside receive $3.8 million to evaluate reading intervention for students with autism spectrum disorders
- MCPER seeks postdoctoral scholar for new research opportunity
- Storytelling program helps at-risk children with spoken language, reading, and writing, study finds
- MCPER welcomes 2009 Fellow Nicole Block
- U.S. News and World Report ranks UT Austin College of Education as third in nation
- CREATE team attends professional development session in Boston
- MCPER graduate research assistant Jin Ok earns doctorate
- Sharon Vaughn named 2009–2010 Special Education Dean’s Fellow
- Psychologists from Rome visit MCPER Autism Spectrum Disorders Institute
- Deborah Reed earns doctorate
- Workshop on Quasi-Experimental Design and Analysis in Education
- Kevin Stark’s depression-treatment program adopted internationally
- UT Announces the Opening of MCPER
- Texas Youth Commission Project training continues
- Dr. Anna-Mari Fall wins Council for Exceptional Children award for dissertation
- “Making Middle School Matter” Symposium set for January 2018 in Austin
- Welcome to Angie Hairrell
- Deborah Reed wins spot on Doctoral Student Scholars in Special Education Research through national competition
- MCPER Director of Assessment Stephanie Stillman attends DESERTech Conference
- MCPER postdoctoral fellow selected for Cluster-Randomized Trials Summer Institute
- MCPER doctoral candidate wins award
- Project GOAL (Dropout Prevention) Field Trips
- Reading Institute paper is published in Psychology in the Schools `
- Annual report details Write for Texas project’s expanding reach and impact
- Four MCPER projects present at Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness conference
- Jennifer Heckert receives Texas Council for Exceptional Children’s 2008 Research Incentive Award
- Autism Spectrum Disorders Institute publication explores the teaching of play skills
- Reading Institute publication wins 2010 Albert J. Harris Award
- MCPER researchers present at Society for the Scientific Study of Reading conference in Berlin `
- MCPER welcomes institute fellows
- MCPER’s Nina Zuna is awarded the Jay Turnbull Fellowship
- MCPER unveils two new institutes
- New project targets the instruction of English language learners in secondary schools
- Autism Spectrum Disorders Institute researchers publish chapter, articles
- Project STRIVE making an impact on Texas teachers and students
- MCPER welcomes Dr. Sharon Jackson to its Board of Directors
- MCPER to evaluate Austin Partners in Education Classroom Coaching programs
- Dan Robinson promoted to full professor
- Building Capacity for RtI Implementation project presents at TASB Convention`
- Stephanie Stillman, Assessment Coordinator for the CSR and CREATE projects, becomes Dr. Stephanie Stillman
- Sharon Vaughn featured in videos of response to intervention event
- MCPER Associate Director Greg Roberts to serve on technical review panel for Early Childhood Longitudinal Study
- Dr. Karrie Shogren wins Council for Exceptional Children award for research paper
- Dropout Prevention Institute director updates Texas Senate on MCPER work
- CREATE publishes brief on social studies intervention for English language learners
- MCPER awarded new grant
- Review finds lack of evidence of gluten- and casein-free diets’ effectiveness in treatment of autism spectrum disorders
- MCPER team trains intervention specialists, dropout prevention monitors for local high schools
- MCPER announces director of web-based content and dissemination
- Television news feature on Write for Texas project highlights student gains
- Reading Institute paper to be published in Journal of Education Psychology
- MCPER researchers lead three presentations on College and Career Readiness Standards
- Study examines parent-reported treatment priorities for children with autism spectrum disorders
- REWARDS program author conducts training for Dropout Prevention Institute
- Three MCPER employees receive 10-year Staff Service Award
- MCPER postdocs attend NCER Cluster Randomized Trials Summer Training Institute
- MCPER to tackle academic vocabulary resource for ELLs in Texas
- MCPER receives $2 million award from Meadows Foundation
- MCPER to provide teacher training on End-of-Course Success assessment
- MCPER researcher presents at Juvenile Justice Education Institute
- Diane Bryant presents at conference on teaching mathematics within RTI
- Building RTI Capacity webcast a success
- project-goal-students-team-with-ut-sorority-and-fraternity-to-sponsor-dance
- Building Capacity for RtI Implementation project announces new resources
- MCPER and Boston University seek applications for postdoctoral researcher
- MCPER to coordinate new English/Language Arts Faculty Collaborative
- Mathematics Institute announces new special education project
- MCPER Executive Director Sharon Vaughn leads Straight Talk Live Chat
- Reading Institute paper published in Reading and Writing Quarterly
- MCPER researchers present at International Reading Association Annual Convention
- Two MCPER staff members receive UT staff service awards
- New resource: National Center on Improving Literacy launches website
- CREATE project hosts conference and webcast series
- MCPER joins forces with Sigma Lambda Beta, Manor ISD to provide mentors for at-risk students
- MCPER’s Soyeon Kang receives grant for dissertation on children with autism spectrum disorders
- MCPER researchers present at Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention
- ALICE Partnership Project featured in Alice Echo-News Journal
- MCPER associate director to deliver keynote address at Idaho response to intervention conference
- Dropout prevention project completes training, begins implementation in three high schools
- Autism Spectrum Disorders Institute partners with Austin Travis County Integral Care for new early-intervention initiative
- Write for Texas publishes report showcasing success stories
- Project coordinator for Center on Instruction project becomes Dr. Katie Klingler Tackett
- Publication details use of iPod technology to enhance speech, communication of people with autism
- Webinar to explore the identification of specific learning disabilities in a response to intervention framework
- Kathleen Hughes named 2009 Community Partner of the Year for Murchison Elementary School
- New research shows benefits of Social Stories intervention for students with ASDs
- MCPER fellow appointed clinical director of new autism spectrum disorders assessment project
- Project GOAL outlines first year of work at dropout prevention symposium
- Autism Spectrum Disorders Institute review earns national attention
- MCPER’s Gleb Furman honored at national event for graduate student research
- Autism Institute publication highlights the critical role of family involvement
- MCPER dropout prevention advisor Ericka Scovill wins award for work with at-risk students
- Article identifies evidence-based practices for teaching joint attention to young children
- New edition of popular textbook co-authored by MCPER executive director is released
- Australian scholar visits MCPER to investigate Collaborative Strategic Reading
- ASD Institute Director Mark O’Reilly delivers keynote address to Psychological Society of Ireland
- English/Language Arts Faculty Collaborative receives additional funding
- English/Language Arts Faculty Collaborative hosts disciplinary literacy symposium
- MCPER researchers to present at Society for the Scientific Study of Reading symposium
- Michael Solis successfully defends dissertation, becomes MCPER’s newest doctor
- MCPER collaborates with South Texas school district to improve K–4 reading instruction
- Sarah Katz selected to participate in literacy research event in the Netherlands
- College of Education ranked first in nation for public graduate education programs
- MCPER math experts publish guidance on research-based practices for all grades
- Reading Institute paper published in Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness
- Dropout Institute Director Dan Robinson presents in New Zealand, Australia on educational publishing
- Examination of response to intervention for struggling middle school readers wins Best Article of 2010
- Paper by MCPER’s Myriam Lopez selected as top three submission for research gala
- October presentations address encoding/decoding and student attendance
- Sharon Vaughn wins award for special education research
- MCPER wins $1.5 million grant to create algebra-readiness intervention modules
- MCPER sourcebook offers strategies for middle school teachers of struggling readers
- Reading, Dropout Prevention institutes publish articles in four journals
- Building Capacity for RTI project releases new resource for student evaluation personnel
- Iowa statewide newsletter publishes second installment of three-part series by Sharon Vaughn
- Dr. Deborah Reed wins Council for Learning Disabilities Outstanding Researcher Award
- MCPER’s Danielle SoRelle successfully defends doctoral dissertation
- MCPER researchers present at RTI workshop in Washington
- ASD Institute staffer wins Student Award for Excellence in Knowledge, Support, or Empowerment
- CREATE project spotlighted in Education Week article
- Reading Institute publishes articles in two journals
- MCPER researchers win awards at American Educational Research Association annual conference
- New project to examine practices for improving reading comprehension and reducing anxiety
- English/Language Arts Faculty Collaborative presents at national conferences
- College and Career Readiness Institute presents at two meetings
- Audrey Leroux to lead brown bag presentation on mediation and moderation
- Visiting professor from Spain collaborates with ASD Institute Fellow Nina Zuna
- Glenda Taylor receives UT Staff Service Award
- MCPER researchers present at the Pacific Coast Research Conference
- Reading Institute publishes book chapter on silent reading
- MCPER researchers publish article detailing their reading program for juvenile correctional ins
- MCPER study targets reduction of limited English proficient students’ high dropout rates
- Mathematics Institute Director Diane Bryant presents on IRIS center module
- New resource for using data to differentiate instruction now available online
- MCPER researchers explore adolescent literacy, academic vocabulary, research-based instruction at districtwide staff development
- Mathematics Institute publishes high school English I lessons, teaching materials
- MCPER conference examines 21st century teaching skills
- Adolescent literacy research summary now available
- MCPER postdoctoral fellow selected to attend Workshop on Quasi-Experimental Design and Analysis in Education
- MCPER, Utah State to test story-skills program for those at risk for language, literacy difficulties
- Building Capacity for RTI project website nets 1 million hits in a single project year
- Three successfully defend dissertation to earn Ph.D.
- MCPER researchers publish articles in two journals
- Myriam Lopez to lead brown bag on continuous latent variable interactions
- MCPER Executive Director Sharon Vaughn honored for work in learning disabilities
- MCPER announces Summer Methodology Series
- Brandy Maynard presents results of truancy meta-analysis at colloquium in Denmark
- Students in MCPER dropout prevention project visit local colleges
- UT College of Education ranked No. 1 in nation among public universities
- MCPER awarded $20 million grant, the largest in College of Education history
- Reading Institute researchers publish articles in two journals
- Reading Institute book chapter profiled in Reading Today
- Funding extended for Texas Center for Learning Disabilities
- CCRI team facilitates Texas teacher professional development program
- MCPER secures two new Institute of Education Sciences grants
- MCPER researcher receives American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Education Award
- Reading Institute publishes articles in four journals
- Sharon Vaughn, Sarah Powell to be featured at Central Texas Dyslexia Conference
- MCPER researchers appointed co-editors of Learning Disability Quarterly
- Building Capacity for Response to Intervention Implementation Project releases new podcasts
- Executive Director Sharon Vaughn, ASD Institute Director Mark O’Reilly featured in The Alcalde
- SERP Design Center researchers to lead Distinguished Lecture on Word Generation vocabulary program
- Reading Institute researchers contribute to special issue of journal
- New project to develop read-aloud tools to improve literacy and math skills of children ages 3 to 6
- MCPER researchers present on CCRS at Council for Learning Disabilities conference
- MCPER director of statewide initiatives presents at Online Learning Institute
- Reading Institute researchers publish articles in two journals
- MCPER well-represented at Diva Dash
- MCPER’s Marty Hougen presents at International Dyslexia Association annual conference
- MCPER’s Desirée Pallais presents at Latin American reading conference
- Tier 2 mathematics intervention lessons, teacher manuals available online
- MCPER to create science program with focus on second-graders with, at risk for learning disabilities
- Genise Henry featured in Texas Monthly magazine
- Tasha Beretvas joins MCPER board of directors
- New report on deeper learning for students with disabilities is now available
- UT Austin special education researchers ranked third in nation for scholarly articles
- Project GOAL publishes problem-solving lessons
- Texas Literacy Initiative’s Michelle Lambert-Yuhasz praised for work in Pilot Point ISD
- MSMI publishes article with guidance for educators on developing effective, long-term innovations
- Building Capacity for Response to Intervention Implementation Project releases three new resources
- Visiting scholar to explore ‘Myths and Misunderstandings in Deaf Education’
- CREATE conference to explore teaching and learning of English language learners in the middle grades
- Symposium on algebra in multitiered support systems set for February 20
- RTI Institute Director Pamela Bell presents at teacher preparation seminar
- Two schools selected for extended support through Middle School Matters Institute
- Article by Sharon Vaughn featured in statewide special education newsletter in Iowa
- MCPER receives $1.2 million grant to prepare doctorates for leadership in special education
- English/Language Arts Faculty Collaborative forms Disciplinary Literacy Task Force
- Project ELITE presents findings at U.S. Department of Education briefing on effective practices
- MCPER board member Tasha Beretvas promoted to full professor
- MCPER researchers train Texas Juvenile Justice Department reading teachers
- MCPER gets $2.6 million to create Middle School Matters Institute
- MCPER fellow Russell Lang wins Ted Carr Initial Researcher Award
- MCPER collaborates with IRIS Center at Vanderbilt on newly released module
- Dropout Prevention Institute researchers to present at 25th annual At-Risk Youth National Forum
- MCPER Executive Director Sharon Vaughn to speak at celebration of 40th anniversary of IDEA
- MCPER’s Brandy Maynard, Veronica Miller receive Leonard E. Gibbs Award for review on mindfulness
- Christopher Lemons to field research questions from postdoctoral researchers, graduate students
- MCPER researchers present at Dyslexia Foundation’s Extraordinary Brain Symposium in the Azores
- Survey targets educators’ perspectives on instructional support and professional development needs
- Former staff researcher Jeanne Wanzek wins Distinguished Early Career Research Award
- MCPER researchers publish analysis of interventions for struggling readers from 1980 to 2011
- Middle School Matters Institute extends application deadline for Summer Conference
- Current MCPER partner, former staff researcher Jeanne Wanzek wins Distinguished Early Career Researc
- Sharon Vaughn wins Career Research Excellence Award
- Laura Bush focuses on MCPER’s Middle School Matters Institute at Building a Grad Nation Summit
- Sharon Vaughn’s presentation to mark 40th anniversary of IDEA now available online
- Scholar from Belgium visits Austin to collaborate with MCPER researchers
- MCPER researcher Jennifer Galindo to lead brown bag on hierarchical linear modeling
- Lisa McCulley leads workshops for California teachers on PACT strategies
- New resource highlights top 10 research-based policies and practices for all schools
- Middle School Matters Institute Summer Conference highlighted in College of Education news feature
- Second cohort of schools selected to receive on-site support from Middle School Matters Institute
- Reading Institute researchers publish two book chapters
- Diane Bryant to present at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics regional conference
- MCPER alum Christopher Lemons wins Presidential Early Career Award
- New paper synthesizes findings from 23 studies on mathematics learning disabilities
- MCPER receives $1.4 million to develop middle school professional development model
- International scholar Emmelien Merchie successfully defends dissertation back home in Belgium
- Eunsoo Cho, MCPER colleagues win Samuel A. Kirk Award for journal’s best research article of 2015
- Autism Spectrum Disorders Institute researchers’ chelation treatment review gets national exposure
- New Zealand scholars to present evidence of national literacy initiative’s failure
- Former first lady Laura Bush visits Wilkinson, a Middle School Matters Tier III school
- Texas Center for Learning Disabilities shifts focus to adolescents struggling to read
- ASD Institute to evaluate early intervention literature and treatment programs in Texas
- Sharon Vaughn honors achievements, legacy of late friend and colleague Janette Klingner
- U.S. Department of Education newsletter features MCPER resource on partner reading
- Baylor’s Grant Morgan to present “Finite Mixture Modeling With Nonnormal or Categorical Indicators”
- Shannon Giroir to present “ESL Learning, Social Participation, and Negotiating the Periphery”
- Brian Bryant serves as co-guest editor for journal’s special issue on technology-based instruction
- Math Institute director presents on learning disabilities, interventions at regional conference
- Math and Science Institute director, principal investigator present at conference in Belize
- Three MCPER staff members to receive UT Staff Service Awards
- Sharon Vaughn and colleagues to lead SXSWedu panel “Equal Opportunity for Deeper Learning”
- McCaffery to present “Causal Modeling With Observational Data and Covariates Measured With Error”
- MCPER’s Sarah Powell recognized for journal’s best practice article of year
- Irish scholar Olive Healy to explore autism research at 2013 Mollie Villeret Davis Symposium
- Sharon Vaughn presents at Dyslexia Foundation conference in South Africa
- MCPER fellow Russell Lang tabbed as co-editor of Developmental Neurorehabilitation journal
- Elizabeth Swanson featured in Voice of Literacy podcast
- MCPER’s Jacob Williams completes doctoral degree
- Second edition of the Middle School Matters Field Guide is now available
- Kelly Williams wins spot on Doctoral Student Scholars program through international competition
- Save the date: Causal Inferences in Educational Research Conference set for May 9 and 10
- Visiting scholars to explore accessible assessment for students with disabilities, English learners
- University of Virginia professor Vivian Wong to present on experimental, quasi-experimental designs
- Presentation to explore control systems engineering’s application to behavioral interventions
- MSTAR algebra-readiness modules for students with mathematics difficulties now available online
- Central Texas School District Mathematics Forum targets district issues in mathematics instruction
- Glickman Symposium to feature University of Pittsburgh’s Naomi Zigmond
- MCPER researchers attend dedication of George W. Bush Presidential Center
- MCPER alums Solis, El Zein find promising results for embedding perseverative interest in reading instruction of children with ASD
- New fellow Poorna Kushalnagar to present on patient-reported outcomes in deaf youth and adults
- Newest installment of “10 Key” series highlights policies and practices for assessment in schools
- Sharon Vaughn to present at international conference in Paris
- Four MCPER alums accept new positions at universities, research center
- Eight schools selected to receive targeted support through Middle School Matters Institute
- Nancy Scammacca Lewis to lead MCPER Summer Series on summarizing and communicating research results
- Documentary, articles spotlight MCPER researchers’ support of children with autism and their families
- New Project ELITE2 website features research-based information and tools
- Eric Bramblett wins Dean’s Excellence Award
- MCPER project on anxiety and struggling readers to be featured at Dyslexia Foundation conference
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing Institute adds two new fellows
- Jennifer Wick Schnakenberg named principal investigator of Texas Literacy Initiative
- New product arms parents with strategies for summer reading with their children
- Kristina Metz successfully defends dissertation, sets sights on internship
- MCPER chosen to lead national network to study intersection of behavior and academics
- UT teaching awards recognize MCPER Directors Beretvas, Cawthon
- MCPER selected as authorized provider for implementation of House Bill 3 Texas Reading Academies
- Middle School Matters Institute Advisory Board reviews accomplishments, sets course for future
- Latest “10 Key” guide explores research-based strategies for teaching English language learners
- MCPER researchers serve as guest editors, contributors to journal’s special issue on math interventions
- Sarah Powell wins Distinguished Early Career Research Award
- Del Valle Independent School District nominates MCPER for Distinguished Partnership Award
- Sharon Vaughn co-authors evidence brief on supporting students with disabilities
- Mathematics Institute publishes article on using the Good Behavior Game to reduce off-task behavior
- MCPER researchers to examine ways to improve outcomes for English learners as part of new center
- MCPER developing state’s new Literacy Achievement and Reading to Learn Academies
- Singapore Ministry of Education to visit, collaborate with MCPER researchers
- MCPER fellow Andrea Flower wins prestigious Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award
- Texas Center for Learning Disabilities is now on Facebook
- MCPER partners with Humanities Texas on series of reading instruction workshops
- Reading instruction workshops for fourth to sixth grades to be held online
- Three MCPER staff members to receive UT Staff Service Awards
- Project AIM is recruiting schools for 2020–2021 school year
- Middle School Matters Institute to provide summer professional development in San Angelo
- MCPER’s Sharon Vaughn among experts interviewed for new publication on learning science and literacy
- Christy Austin wins Council for Exceptional Children Student Research Award
- MCPER Mathematics Institute director, principal investigator lead workshops in Taiwan
- Mathematics Institute director elected vice president of Council for Learning Disabilities
- Article by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Institute staff among publisher’s five most-accessed for week
- Middle School Matters Institute unveils new website
- MCPER seeks postdoctoral scholar for new research opportunity
- Three schools selected to receive on-site support from Middle School Matters Institute
- Six MCPER staff members to receive President’s Staff Awards
- Sharon Vaughn leads workshop in Minnesota as organization’s 2018 Distinguished Scholar
- Christy Austin wins another award for her outstanding scholarship
- Paper by Autism Institute Director Mark O’Reilly, international colleagues wins journal’s 2014 Editors’ Award
- Write for Texas launches its third program year
- MCPER Executive Director Sharon Vaughn appointed to national education research committee
- MCPER updates mission statement, strategic goals
- Reading Institute researchers publish two articles
- MSMI staff to present at GradNation Summit, International Reading Association Conference
- What Works Clearinghouse report supports effectiveness of PACT intervention
- UT Austin spotlights MCPER’s Precision Math project
- MCPER receives $3.5 million grant to improve literacy, prevent dropout with at-risk English learners
- Boston University researcher to explore how elementary students read polysyllabic words
- New report examines best practices for identifying specific learning disabilities
- MCPER executive director, resource featured in The Dallas Morning News
- Nancy Lewis to present on cost analysis in intervention research
- New service provides parents, caregivers with information from childhood experts via text messaging
- New module explains how schools can use free app to monitor their response to intervention implementation
- Project AIM is recruiting schools for 2019–2020 school year
- Researchers to discuss synthesis of studies on comprehension interventions for students with autism
- Multimedia guide arms secondary teachers with strategies for students with autism spectrum disorders
- Sharon Vaughn wins inaugural Dean’s Distinguished Research Award
- MCPER Executive Director Sharon Vaughn to run Boston Marathon to raise money for dyslexia research
- New $3 million grant targets word problem intervention for third-graders with math difficulties
- Mathematics Institute researchers and colleagues publish three articles
- Min Kyung Kim appointed president of the Council for Learning Disabilities Texas Chapter
- MCPER Math Institute Director delivers Distinguished Lecture, Research Talk at Purdue University
- Sarah Powell wins Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
- MCPER awarded $9 million to start statewide writing initiative
- MCPER postdoctoral fellow Eric Oslund accepts assistant professor position at Middle Tennessee State
- MCPER’s partnership with Humanities Texas continues with online institute in June
- Institute of Education Sciences to hold summer workshops on research methods
- Booklet highlights partnership with Australia on arts integration
- New project examines reading intervention efficacy for students with disabilities
- In new article, Write for Texas director advocates for policy that supports research-based practices
- Marcia Barnes, Stephanie Cawthon join MCPER Board of Directors
- Vaughn to serve on expert panel for virtual conference to address declining reading performance, widening gap
- MCPER launches initiative to improve academic, behavioral interventions for Texas students
- Sharon Vaughn’s Distinguished Speaker Webinar on Special and Inclusive Education now available to view
- Three school districts selected to receive expert assistance from Middle School Matters Institute
- Multimedia guide arms secondary teachers with strategies for students with autism spectrum disorders
- MCPER’s Brandy Maynard elected to co-chair Campbell Collaboration Social Welfare Coordinating Group
- MCPER’s Nancy Scammacca Lewis to serve as principal member of federal grant review panel
- Dyslexia Foundation conference set for October 18 at Harvard Medical School
- MCPER secures $20 million grant to support postsecondary outcomes for deaf individuals
- New grant targets preparation of doctoral scholars in learning disabilities, behavior disorders
- Dr. Vaughn to give Norman Geschwind Memorial Lecture
- Colleen Reutebuch selected to attend Summer Research Training Institute on Cluster-Randomized Trials
- MCPER partner featured in struggling readers webcast, article on science of teaching reading
- New initiative to create reading comprehension intervention tailored to students with autism
- Christine Espin to be featured in College of Education’s EdTalks series
- Seats still available for second round of reading instruction workshops
- Middle School Matters school in spotlight for piloting Pennsylvania dropout-prevention data system
- Farah El Zein featured in College of Education’s “Meet Our Graduates” feature
- New project to examine professional development models for fourth-grade vocabulary, comprehension
- New project will target improvements in kindergartners’ math, music, and computational thinking
- Mini-lessons, research briefs to support struggling students are now available online
- MCPER Executive Director Sharon Vaughn appointed to statewide Reading Advisory Committee
- New teacher flip book targets vocabulary, comprehension gains of elementary English learners
- Vaughn to chair expert panel developing practice guide targeting grades 4–9 struggling readers
- Eight schools selected to receive targeted support in second cohort of Middle School Matters program
- Sarah Powell named associate director of MCPER
- Code sheet streamlines the process of gathering data on studies for syntheses and meta-analyses
- New funding extends National Center for Leadership in Intensive Intervention for another 5 years
- MCPER Senior Associate Director Greg Roberts guest edits special section in top research journal
- MCPER wins federal funding through Research to Accelerate Pandemic Recovery in Special Education program
- Read about the 2015 Summer Conference in the latest Bush Institute blog
- New WWC practice guide on reading interventions for grades 4–9 is released
- Institute of Education Sciences to hold summer workshops on research methods
- Jessica Toste selected as Fellow with Research Institute for Implementation Science in Education
- Registration is open for Building Bridges V(irtual) International Conference
- Cross-Age Tutoring Toolkit
- AIM Coaching Online Training Modules
- Multisyllable Word Reading Routine for Science and Social Studies Classes
- Reading Self-Monitoring Form
- Sight Word Fluency Lists
- Lessons for Improving Comprehension Through "Iqbal" by Francesco D'Adamo
- Lessons for Improving Comprehension Through "Any Small Goodness" by Tony Johnston
- Reading Instruction for Middle School Students: Developing Lessons for Improving Comprehension
- Sample Lesson Plans for Elementary Struggling Readers, Grades 1–5
- 10 Key Policies and Practices for Supporting Language Development
- Five Evidence-Based Keys to Implementing Cross-Age Tutoring
- AIM Schoolwide PACT Lessons
- Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Read-Aloud Routine for Building Math Language and Conceptual Understanding
- Meeting the Needs of English Learners With and Without Disabilities: Grades 3–5 Practice Brief Series
- Effective Practices for English Learners: Kindergarten to Grade 2 Practice Brief Series
- 10 Key Policies and Practices for Instructional Coaching
- Project AIM: A Tier 2 Algebra-Readiness Intervention for Middle School Students
- Resources From the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes
- MSTAR Interventions
- MSTAR Intervention: Proportionality
- MSTAR Intervention: Facts and Patterns: Multiplication and Division
- MSTAR Intervention: Ratios and Rates
- MSTAR Intervention: Equivalent Fractions
- Vocabulary and Comprehension: Effective Upper-Elementary Interventions for Students With Reading Difficulties
- Partner Reading: An Evidence-Based Practice – Teacher’s Guide
- Intensive Interventions for Students Struggling in Reading and Mathematics: A Practice Guide
- Word Recognition and Fluency: Effective Upper-Elementary Interventions for Students With Reading Difficulties
- Effective Instruction for Middle School Students With Reading Difficulties: The Reading Teacher’s Sourcebook
- Is My Adolescent Benefiting From High-Quality Schoolwide and Classroom Behavioral Supports? 5 Key Questions to Ask
- 10 Key Math Practices for All Middle and High Schools
- How Can I Support My Adolescent’s Development as a Writer?
- How Do I Engage in Partner Reading With My Child?
- 10 Key Policies and Practices for Assessment in Schools
- 10 Key Policies and Practices for Schoolwide and Classroom-Based Behavioral Supports
- 10 Ways to Make Research-Based Practices Work in Middle Schools
- Write for Texas: Success Stories From a Literacy Initiative
- 10 Key Mathematics Practices for All Elementary Schools
- 10 Key Policies and Practices for Teaching English Language Learners
- How Can I Help My Child With Content Area Reading at Home? Five Key Strategies to Consider
- How Can I Help to Improve My Child's Reading Comprehension? Two Useful Strategies for Reading at Home
- Designing and Delivering Intensive Interventions: A Teacher’s Toolkit
- Academic Vocabulary in the ELAR and Mathematics TEKS: A Teacher Resource
- Read-Aloud Routine Bookmark for Parents, English and Spanish
- Adolescent Literacy Resource Menu: A Guide for Instructional Leaders
- Teachers’ Read-Aloud Routine for Building Vocabulary and Comprehension Skills
- Read-Aloud Routine for Building Vocabulary and Comprehension Skills in Prekindergarten
- Response to Intervention: Straight Talk for Parents
- Resources for Improving Low Literacy Levels in Adolescents
- Implementing Structured Data Meetings: A Year-Round Tool for Optimizing Instructional Planning for English Learners
- 10 Key Reading Practices for All Middle and High Schools
- Write for Texas Annual Report, 2015–2016
- Noncognitive Factors That Support Postsecondary Persistence in Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Students
- 10 Key Writing Policies and Practices for All Schools
- 10 Key Policies and Practices for All Schools
- 10 Key Reading Practices for All Elementary Schools
- Is Your Child Benefiting From High-Quality Literacy Practices? 5 Things to Consider
- Dropout Prevention Intervention Implementation Guide
- Tier 3 Instruction Within a Response to Intervention Framework
- Text Talks: A Strategic Book Club Routine for Building Vocabulary and Comprehension in Grades 3–5
- Academic Vocabulary for Fifth- to Seventh-Grade English Language Learners in Texas
- The Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities: A Summary of Research on Best Practices
- English Learners in Content Area Classes: Social Studies
- Turn and Talk: An Evidence-Based Practice – Teacher’s Guide
- Meeting the Needs of Struggling Readers: A Resource for Secondary English Language Arts Teachers
- 10 Key Vocabulary Practices for All Schools
- Five Features of Differentiated Instruction Bookmark
- An Introduction to Writing Instruction for Secondary Students
- What Dyslexia Looks Like in Middle School and What You Can Do to Help Your Child
- Teaching the Viewing and Representing TEKS in the English Language Arts Curriculum (Revised)
- Enhancing Communication Applications for Secondary Students (Revised)
- Overview of the STRIVE Model
- 10 Key Policies and Practices for Reading Intervention
- Evidence-Based Practices for Comprehension Instruction
- Enhancing Vocabulary Instruction for Secondary Students (Revised)
- Foundations of Reading: Effective Phonological Awareness Instruction and Progress Monitoring
- 10 Key Policies and Practices for Social-Emotional Learning
- Evidence-Based Practices for Vocabulary Instruction
- How Can I Help My Middle Schooler Read Multisyllabic Words? Five Helpful Steps
- 10 Key Practices for Teaching Reading in English-Spanish Bilingual Programs
- What You Can Do to Help Your Teen With Anxiety
- 10 Key Policies and Practices for Explicit Instruction
- 10 Key Policies and Practices for In-School Tutoring
- Tools to Help Your Teen With Executive Function Skills
- Motivating Children to Do Their Homework: Parent’s Guide (English and Spanish)
- How to Provide Meaningful Feedback: Teacher's Guide
- 10 Key Series: Research-Based Policies and Practices for Schools
- Delivering Professional Development That Sticks: A Guide for School Leaders
- MSMI Action Plan Templates
- Selecting an Intervention to Meet Students’ Needs: A “How-to” Resource for Educators
- Two Questions With Naomi Zigmond
- Word Problem Types: Reference and Cue Cards
- Campus Needs Assessment Tools
- MCPER Report, 2009–2010
- The Path to College: A Summary of "Helping Students Navigate the Path to College: What High Schools Can Do"
- MCPER Report, 2008–2009
- TALA Videos: Explicit Instruction
- Addressing School Dropout in Texas: A Summary for Teachers and Practitioners of "Dropout Prevention: A Practice Guide"
- TALA Videos: Frayer Model (Vocabulary)
- TALA Videos: Main Idea (Comprehension)
- TALA Videos: Anticipation-Reaction Guides (Comprehension)
- TALA Videos: Summarization
- TALA Videos: Syllable Structure (Decoding)
- TALA Videos: Morphemic Analysis (Vocabulary)
- TALA Videos: Fluency Instruction
- Implementing the Prekindergarten Curriculum Guidelines for Language and Early Literacy
- TALA Videos: Generating Questions (Comprehension)
- Essential Reading Strategies for Struggling Readers: Activities for an Accelerated Reading Program
- Instructional Videos From the Texas Adolescent Literacy Academies
- Implementing the 3-Tier Reading Model: Reducing Reading Difficulties for K-3 Students
- A Resource for Student Evaluation Personnel in Schools Implementing Response to Intervention
- Collaborative Instructional Logs
- Supplemental Instruction for Struggling Readers, Grade 3: A Guide for Tutors
- Reading Strategies and Activities for Students at Risk for Reading Difficulties, Including Dyslexia
- Parent Notification Checklists and Sample Letters
- Word Study for Students With Learning Disabilities and English Language Learners
- Instructional Walkthrough Tools
- Effective Fluency Instruction and Progress Monitoring
- Phonological Awareness (Spanish)
- 3-Tier Reading Model Action Plan
- Implementing the Prekindergarten Curriculum Guidelines for Mathematics and Science
- Observation Tools
- Comprehension (Spanish)
- Phonics (Spanish)
- Implementing the Prekindergarten Curriculum Guidelines for Social Studies
- Daily Sample Lessons and Activities: Phonics, Word Study, and Word Recognition (K–5)
- RTI Implementation
- Coordinating for Reading Instruction: General Education and Special Education Working Together
- Literacy Center Ideas, K–5
- Implementing the Reading TEKS in Ninth Grade Instruction (Revised)
- Sample Literacy Blocks, K–5
- School Leaders’ Planning Checklist for Implementation of an Instructional Decision-Making Model
- MCPER Report, 2010–2012
- Enhancing Reading Comprehension for Secondary Students — Part II
- Word Analysis: Principles for Instruction and Progress Monitoring
- Project GOAL Problem-Solving Lessons: Adapted From ALAS Resilience Builder
- Does It Make Sense (DIMS)?
- Helping Kids Learn at Home
- Enhancing Learning Through Reading and Writing Strategies in the Content Areas (Revised)
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Reading Multisyllable Words
- Establishing an Intensive Reading and Writing Program for Secondary Students (Revised)
- Instructional Decision-Making Procedures: Ensuring Appropriate Instruction for Struggling Students in Grades K–12
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Early Language and Literacy
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Building Vocabulary and Comprehension With Read-Alouds
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Activity Transitions
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Cooperation With Difficult Tasks
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Learning (and Loving) the Language of Math
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Interactive Word Walls
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Comprehending Texts Independently
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Reading Comprehension
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Phonemic Awareness
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Science
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Reading Skills Practice Through Games
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Two-Dimensional Shapes
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Getting Vocabulary to Stick
- Helping Your Kid With . . . High-Frequency Words
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Counting
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Building Academic Vocabulary
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Basic Phonics at Home
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Fractions
- Reading With Your Middle School Aged Child
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Identifying the Main Idea
- Establishing a Field-Based Literacy Lab
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Practicing Reading at Home
- Middle School Matters Field Guide
- The Common Core State Standards: Considerations for Teachers of Students Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing
- Employment Data for Adults Who Are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
- Post-Secondary Enrollment and Completion for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
- Online Learning: Benefits and Barriers
- Mental Health Care for DHH Individuals: Needs, Risk Factors, and Access to Treatment
- Serving Individuals Who Are DHH in Rural Communities
- Attitudes Toward Individuals Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Individuals Who Are Late-Deafened: Implications for Postsecondary Outcomes
- Importance of Effective Communication Between Deaf and Hearing Individuals
- Deaf Culture as an Asset in Preparation for Postsecondary Education and Employment
- Family Context: Understanding the Importance of Siblings
- Progress-Monitoring Line Graph
- Instructional Toolkits
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Math Word Problems
- Helping Your Kid With . . . Motivation to Work at Home
- A Review of High School Completion Rates and Dropout Prevention for Students Identified With Limited English Proficiency: A Report to the 82nd Texas Legislature
- TRELLIS Testimonials From Students
- La Lectura Interactiva en el Hogar
- Middle School Matters Practice Guides
- TRELLIS Testimonials From Project Participants
- TRELLIS Testimonial From a Parent
- TRELLIS Testimonials From Community Partners
- Addressing School Dropout in Texas: A Summary for Administrators and Policymakers of "Dropout Prevention: A Practice Guide"
- Pirate Math Equation Quest: A Math Word-Problem Intervention Website
- Self-Regulated Reading Guides for Teachers and Parents
- Autism-at-a-Glance series from the Center on Secondary Education for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders
- The Efficacy of a Content Area Reading Comprehension Intervention for Students With Disabilities
- The Impact of Mathematics-Focused Read-Alouds on Mathematics Outcomes for Preschool Children: A Pilot Study
- Instructional Practices for Secondary Social Studies Teachers: Describing a Curricular Program Designed to Improve Language, Content Knowledge and Literacy Outcomes for Emergent Bilinguals
- Supporting Knowledge and Language Acquisition of Secondary Emergent Bilinguals Through Social Studies Instruction
- Five Recommendations to Implementing Cross-Age Tutoring in Reading
- Cross-Age Peer Tutoring to Improve Literacy Outcomes for Students With Disabilities
- Two Questions With Vivian Wong
- Dropout Prevention Intervention Fidelity of Implementation Tools
- Code Sheet for Reading Observation Study Syntheses
- Understanding the Nature and Severity of Reading Difficulties Among Students With Language and Reading Comprehension Difficulties
- Online Administration of the Test of Narrative Language–Second Edition: Psychometrics and Considerations for Remote Assessment
- Narrative Instruction in Elementary Classrooms: An Observation Study
- The Measurement, Statistical, and Policy Challenges of NCLB and School Accountability
- The Politics of Memory in the Aftermath of the Shootings at Columbine
- On the Verge of a Breakthrough: Using RTI to Build Our Remediation Evidence Base
- Investigating the Cerebellum in Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Quasi-Experimental Design
- Evidence-Based Practices for Individuals With ASD
- The (Lack of) Support for Prescriptive Statements in Educational Journals and Textbooks
- Review of the History and Biology of Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Early Reading Achievement Trajectories: ELL and L1 Population Estimates Using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey
- The Effect of Interest and Concreteness on Reading Time and Recall of Expository Text
- Drama for Schools: Teacher change in an applied theatre professional development model
- Middle School Reading Comprehension and Content Learning Intervention for Below-Average Readers
- The Effects of a Parsimonious Vocabulary and Comprehension Intervention on Content and Reading Achievement
- Early Numeracy: Response to Intervention: Tier 2 Intervention
- Evidence-Based Interventions for Students With Learning Disabilities: How Research Can Inform Practice
- Reading Comprehension Interventions for Middle School Students With LD: A Synthesis of 30 Years of Research
- Enhancing Social Studies Vocabulary and Comprehension for 7th Grade ELLs: Findings From Three Experimental Studies
- Enhancing Social Studies Vocabulary and Comprehension for 7th Grade English Language Learners: Findings From Two Experimental Studies
- Validating a Response to Intervention Multitiered Model for Primary Grade Students With Mathematics Difficulties
- Enhancing Reading Instruction for Children With Down Syndrome: Phonics, Behavioral Phenoytpe, and Individualization
- Schoolwide Implementation of Research-Based Literacy and Language-Acquisition Practices in the Middle Grade Content Areas: Moving From Research to Reality
- Early Numeracy: Response to Intervention: Tier 2 Intervention
- Building Capacity for RTI Presentation: Campus Data Management Tool
- Preventing School Dropout With Secondary Students: Year 1
- Remediation of Older Students With Reading Difficulties: Intensity of Intervention
- The Contribution of Retell to the Model of Adolescents’ Reading Ability
- The Promise of RTI for Secondary Schools
- Minimal Responders Over Time: Year 3
- Teacher Ratings of Math Ability Versus Actual Ability: A Longitudinal Study
- Differentiated Instruction to Meet the Needs of All Students
- Supporting Spanish-Speaking Students With Reading
- Creating Rigorous Instructional Lessons Aligned to College and Career Readiness Standards
- Response to Intervention: Models, Methods, and Musings
- Effective Instruction for Adolescent Struggling Readers: Comprehension Instruction That Works
- Silent Reading for Struggling Readers: Pitfalls & Potential
- Collaborative Strategic Reading Project: Interventions for Struggling Adolescent Readers
- Improving Special Education Teacher Preparation in Reading
- Reports Galore! A Review of Recent Reports on Adolescent Literacy
- The Influence of Testing Prompt and Condition on Middle School Students’ Retell Performance
- Campus Data Management Tool: Supporting Response to Intervention Implementation
- Preventing School Dropout With Secondary Students
- Response to Intervention With Secondary Students With Reading Difficulties
- Effects of an Early Intervention for Second-Grade Students At Risk for Mathematics Difficulties
- Vocabulary Teaching and Learning: Research-Based Innovations for Classroom Instruction, Teacher Knowledge, and Practice
- Early Learning Quick Assessments
- Educating Students With Learning Disabilities: Where We’ve Been, Where We Are, Where We’re Going
- When Politics Trumps Science: Generalizations From a Career of Research on Assessment, Decision Making, and Public Policy
- Enhancing the Word Reading Skills of Upper-Elementary Students
- Improving On-Task Behavior of Students With EBD: A Synthesis of Interventions Conducted in General Education Settings
- RTI and the Role of Student Evaluation Personnel
- Establishing a Higher Education Collaborative: Perils and Pearls
- Fitting RTI Into an Adolescent Context: Intervention With Older Students
- Rethinking the Federal Role in Education: Should Washington Do Whatever It Takes?
- Fireside Chat on Establishing a Research Program
- Bayesian Estimation of Nonlinear Trajectories for Multiple Baseline Design Data
- A Comparison of Methods for Handling Cross-Classified Multiple Membership Data Structures
- Random-Effects Models for Assessing Rater Severity and Differential Rater Functioning
- Supporting Spanish-Speaking Students Who Struggle With Reading
- Features of Effective Instruction
- Identifying Learning Disabilities in an RTI System
- A Cross-Language Approach to Support Spanish-Speaking English Language Learners (ELLs)
- Lessons Learned from Response to Intervention (RTI) Implementation
- Alternative Approaches for the Reading Difficulties of Spanish-Speaking Children
- Reading Disabilities? Reading Difficulties? Dyslexia? Making Sense of It All
- Building RTI Capacity in Texas: Challenges and Opportunities
- Collaborating for the Success of Students in Foster Care
- Managing RTI Campus Data - Monitoring Effectiveness of Intervention
- Using Collaborative Instructional Logs (RTI) Information to Develop an Individual Transition Plan
- On the Front Lines: A Multivocal Synthesis of Dropout Prevention
- Child and Family Research Outcomes from The Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research
- High School Tiered Interventions: How High Schools Are Using Tiered Frameworks
- Active Student Engagement: The Key to Instructional Delivery
- A Synthesis of Middle School Mathematics Intervention Research for Students With Learning Disabilities
- Response to Intervention in Middle School: Longitudinal Results From a Tiered-Reading Intervention With Struggling Adolescent Readers
- Resource for Monitoring Campus RtI Implementation
- Enhancing Professional Development: What Types of Coaching and Feedback Are Most Effective?
- Characteristics of Effective Special Education Teachers in Urban Schools
- Intensity of Intervention to Achieve Student Growth: Perspectives From the NICHD LRDC Research Projects
- Active Student Engagement: The Key to Effective Instructional Delivery
- Data-Based Instructional Supports for Bilingual Students
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- Keynote Address
- RTI and the Evaluation of Students With Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD)
- Mathematics Interventions: Courage to Risk
- The Effects of Tier 2 Mathematics Intervention for At-Risk students in Grades 1 and 2
- Intensive Reading Instruction for Youth in Juvenile Correction Institutions
- Response to Intervention for Grade 1 Mathematics: Assessment and Intervention
- Effects of Repeated Reading on Oral Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension
- CREATE Social Studies
- Supporting Evidence-Based Instructional Practices Through Coaching
- Effects of a Tier 2 Intervention on the Early Numeracy Performance of First-Grade Students With Mathematics Difficulties: ANCOVA and RDD: What We’re Learning
- Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Screening, Assessment, and Treatment in the Under-Five Population
- CREATE Coaching: Supporting Evidence-Based Instructional Practices
- The Implementation of an Individualized Reading and Dropout Prevention Intervention
- The Impact of RTI on Special Education: An Observation Study
- Implementing RTI: Practices and Perspectives of Five Schools
- Improving Reading Comprehension Outcomes for Middle School Students in Inclusionary Settings
- The Effects of Collaborative Strategic Reading Instruction on the Reading Comprehension of Middle School Students: Year 2 Replication
- Response to Intervention: Managing Intervention Data Effectively
- Transitioning to Enviable Lives for Adults With Autism; and Beyond Evidence-Based Practice: Wisdom-Based Action as a Process of Facilitating IDEA Outcomes
- Early Mathematics Tier 3 Intervention: What We Are Learning
- Year 1 Results From an IES Goal 3 RCT Study
- Instructional Supports for Spanish-Speaking Students With Reading Difficulties
- Collaborative Strategic Reading With Adolescent Struggling Readers
- RTI Implementation Among Special Educators: An Observation Study
- Implementing RTI at the High School Level
- Preventing School Dropout With Secondary Students: Project GOAL
- Heterogeneous Level-One Phase Variances in Three-Level Meta-Analysis of Single-Subject Research Data
- 2013 Summer Series: Effectively Summarizing and Communicating Research Results
- An Overview of the College and Career Readiness Standards and the Common Core State Standards
- Using the Multiple Membership Random Effects Model to Estimate Treatment Effects With Condition- and Cluster-Switchers
- College and Career Readiness: Challenges and Opportunities
- The Impact of Instructional Variables on Outcomes in Tier 2 First Grade Reading Intervention
- Using the Multiple Membership Random Effects Model to Estimate Treatment Effects With Condition- and Cluster-Switchers
- Research on students with reading disabilities
- Translating Vocabulary Research to Social Studies Instruction: Before, During, and After Text-Reading Strategies
- Independent Silent Reading for Struggling Readers: Pitfalls and Potential
- Extensive Reading Interventions for Students With Reading Difficulties After Grade 3
- Effects of a Response-Based, Tiered Framework for Intervening With Struggling Readers in Middle School
- Effects of a Strategic Intervention With iPad Practice on the Multiplication Fact Performance of Fifth-Grade Students With Learning Disabilities
- Research on Mobile Learning in Adult Education
- Drama-Based Instruction and Educational Research: Activating Praxis in an Interdisciplinary Partnership
- Participatory research in an arts integration professional development program
- Activating student engagement through drama-based instruction.
- Effects of linguistic complexity and accommodations on estimates of ability for students with learning disabilities
- A Comparison of Stopping Rules for Computerized Adaptive Screening Measures Using the Rating Scale Model
- Drama for Schools: Impact of a Drama-Based Professional Development Program on Teacher Self-Efficacy and Authentic Instruction
- A Comparison of Exposure Control Procedures in CATs Using the 3PL Model
- Adjusting Beginning Reading Intervention Based on Student Performance: An Experimental Evaluation
- Perceptions of Academic Performance: Positive Illusions in Adolescents With and Without Learning Disabilities
- Prediction and Stability of Mathematics Skill and Difficulty
- A New Look at Mnemonics and Graphic Organizers in the Secondary Social Studies Classroom
- Using Videoconferencing to Conduct Functional Analysis of Challenging Behavior and Develop Classroom Behavioral Support Plans for Students With Autism
- Why Intensive Interventions Are Necessary for Adolescents With Dyslexia: Findings From 3-Year Intervention and Future Research
- Increasing Play and Decreasing the Challenging Behavior of Children With Autism During Recess With Activity Schedules and Task Correspondence Training
- A Systematic Examination of Different Parameters of Presession Exposure to Tangible Stimuli That Maintain Problem Behavior
- First-Grade Student Retention Within a 3-Tier Reading Framework
- Communication Intervention in Rett Syndrome: A Systematic Review
- Research on students with reading disabilities
- General Intervention Approaches for Teaching Speech and its Prerequisites
- Teaching Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) to Students With Learning Disabilities
- Preventing and Remediating Reading Difficulties
- Enhancing Social Studies Vocabulary and Comprehension for Seventh-Grade English Language Learners: Findings From Two Experimental Studies
- A Test of the Cerebellar Hypothesis of Dyslexia in Adequate and Inadequate Responders to Reading Intervention
- Review of Interventions to Increase Functional and Symbolic Play in Children With Autism
- Critical Components of a Response to Intervention Framework: Essential Ideas for Campus Implementation
- Higher Education Collaboratives: Aligning Research and Practice in Teacher Education
- Assistive Technology and Supports Provision: A Selective Review of the Literature and Proposed Areas of Application
- Problem Behavior During Preference Assessments: An Empirical Analysis and Practical Recommendations
- Functional Analysis and Treatment of Elopement Across Two School Settings
- Behavioral Intervention Promotes Successful Use of an iPod-Based Communication Device by an Adolescent With Autism
- A Review of Teacher Involvement in the Applied Intervention Research for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Influence of Assessment Setting on the Results of Functional Analyses of Problem Behavior
- Response to Intervention for Middle School Students With Reading Difficulties: Effects of a Primary and Secondary Intervention
- Functional Analysis of Challenging Behavior in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Summary of 10 Cases
- Mathematics Intervention for First- and Second-Grade Students With Mathematics Difficulties: The Effects of Tier 2 Intervention Delivered as Booster Lessons
- A Study of a Response to Intervention Model for Urban Sixth Grade: Analyzing Reading, Language, and Learning Differences in Tier 1 and Tier 2
- A Two-Study Investigation of Research on Vocabulary Strategies and Their Implementation in Fourth-Grade Social Studies Classrooms
- Intensive Intervention for Students With Mathematics Disabilities: Seven Principles of Effective Practice
- A Preliminary Comparison of Functional Analysis Results When Conducted in Contrived Versus Natural Settings
- An Analysis of the Mathematics Vocabulary Knowledge of Third- and Fifth-Grade Students: Connections to General Vocabulary and Mathematics Computation
- Planting the Seeds of Innovation
- A Review of School-Based Instructional Interventions for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Effects of an Early Numeracy Intervention on Struggling Kindergarteners’ Mathematics Performance
- Examination of a Social Skills Problem-Solving Intervention to Treat Selective Mutism
- Manipulating the Behavior-Altering Effect of the Motivating Operation: Examination of the Influence on Challenging Behavior During Leisure Activities
- Selecting Appropriate Text for Adolescents With Disabilities
- Website Links to Evidence-Based Resources for RTI and MTSS
- A review of intervention studies on teaching AAC to individuals who are deaf and blind
- Improving Content Knowledge and Comprehension for English Language Learners: Findings From a Randomized Control Trial
- The Impact of Tier 1 Reading Instruction on Reading Outcomes for Students in Grades 4–12: A Meta-Analysis
- Communication and Social Skills Assessment
- Improving Reading and Social Studies Learning for Secondary Students With Reading Disabilities
- Effects of Professional Development on Improving At-Risk Students’ Performance in Reading
- RTI Frameworks for Adolescents: Designing and Implementing Intensive Reading Interventions for Adolescent ELs
- A synthesis of fluency interventions for secondary struggling readers
- Trends in Fighting and Violence Among Adolescents in the United States: Evidence from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002–2014
- Evidence-Based Strategies for Reading Instruction of Older Students With LD or At Risk for LD
- Preventing Early Math Difficulties: The Feasibility of a Rigorous Kindergarten Math Curriculum
- Self-Control Versus Psychopathy: A Head-to-Head Test of General Theories of Antisociality
- Inference Instruction to Support Reading Comprehension for Elementary Students With Learning Disabilities
- A Social Stories Intervention Package for Students With Autism in Inclusive Classroom Settings
- Combined curricular intervention with brief hands down to decrease hand mouthing and use of arm splints for a young boy with profound disabilities
- Enhancing Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text by Building Vocabulary Knowledge
- Behavioral flexibility in individuals with Angelman syndrome, Down syndrome, non-specific developmental disability, and autism spectrum disorder
- Teaching Social Skills in School Settings
- Initial STRIVE Professional Development: Content Literacy Practices for Case 1
- Examining the Effects of a Professional Development Model on Reading Outcomes in 4th-Grade Social Studies Classrooms
- Reading and Writing Instruction in the Upper Elementary Grades
- STRIVE: The Effects of Differential Professional Development on 4th-Graders’ Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Outcomes
- STRIVE: The Effects of Differential Professional Development on 4th-Graders’ Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Outcomes
- Prioritizing Elementary School Writing Instruction: Cultivating Middle School Readiness for Students With Learning Disabilities
- Self-Regulation Strategies to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving for Students With Learning Disabilities
- Comal ISD Student Progress at the Elementary School Level
- A Meta-Analysis of Tier 1 Interventions Delivered in 4th- Through 12th-Grade Classrooms
- Multisyllabic Word-Reading Instruction With and Without Motivational Beliefs Training for Struggling Readers in Upper Elementary Grades: A Pilot Investigation
- Age Effects and Health Appraisal: A Meta-Analysis
- The Effectiveness of Psychosocial Interventions Delivered by Teachers in Schools: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Introduction to the Special Series: Mathematics and Learning Disabilities
- Anxiety and Inattention as Predictors of Achievement in Early Elementary School Children
- The Relation Between Global and Specific Mindset With Reading Outcomes for Elementary School Students
- Development and Initial Validation of an Inconsistent Responding Scale for the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory
- Effects of Tier 1 Intervention for Students With Disabilities
- Gray Oral Reading Test—Fourth Edition
- Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students With Learning Difficulties
- A Framework for Remediating Number Combination Deficits
- Control Engagement During Sentence and Inhibition fMRI Tasks in Children With Reading Difficulties
- Class Percentage of Students With Reading Difficulties on Content Knowledge and Comprehension
- Efficacy of a High School Extensive Reading Intervention for English Learners With Reading Difficulties
- Effective Practices for English Language Learners in the Middle Grades: Introduction to the Special Issue
- Discrepancy in Functional Analysis Results Across Two Applied Settings: Implications for Intervention Design
- Examining Predictive Validity of Oral Reading Fluency Slope in Upper Elementary Grades Using Quantile Regression
- The Effects of One Versus Two Years of Intensive Reading Intervention Implemented With Late Elementary Struggling Readers
- Developmental and Physical Disabilities
- Reading Interventions for Struggling Readers in the Upper Elementary Grades: A Synthesis of 20 Years of Research
- Knowledge-to-action guides: Preparing families to be partners in making educational decisions
- Silent Reading for Struggling Readers: Pitfalls & Potential
- Why Intensive Interventions Are Necessary for Students With Severe Reading Difficulties
- Thoughts on Rethinking Response to Intervention With Secondary Students
- Research-Based Implications From Extensive Early Reading Interventions
- The Efficacy of Repeated Reading and Wide Reading Practice for High School Students With Severe Reading Disabilities
- Enhancing the Effectiveness of a Play Intervention by Abolishing the Reinforcing Value of Stereotypy: A Pilot Study
- Reading Achievement Across Three Language Groups: Growth Estimates for Overall Reading and Reading Sub-Skills Using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey
- A Comparison of Multiple-Strategy Methods: Effects on Fourth-Grade Students' General and Content-Specific Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Development
- The Relative Effects of Group Size on Reading Progress of Older Students With Reading Difficulties
- An Observation Study of Reading Instruction Provided to Elementary Students With Learning Disabilities in the Resource Room
- Examining the Effects of Afterschool Reading Interventions for Upper Elementary Struggling Readers
- Text Reading Supports in Social Studies Content Instruction and Their Relationship to Student Knowledge Acquisition
- Increasing Text Comprehension and Graphic Note-Taking Using a Partial Graphic Organizer Task
- Causal Mediation in Educational Intervention Studies
- Examining the Role of Pre-Instruction Academic Performance Within a Text-Based Approach to Improving Student Content Knowledge and Understanding
- A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies of Mathematics Difficulty
- The Effects of Enhanced Milieu Teaching and a Voice Output Communication Aid on the Requesting of Three Children With Autism
- Computation Error Analysis: Students With Mathematics Difficulty Compared to Typically Achieving Students
- Effective Word-Problem Instruction: Using Schemas to Facilitate Mathematical Reasoning
- Examining individual and ecological predictors of the self-determination of students with disabilities
- Preventing and Remediating Reading Difficulties: Perspectives From Research
- Behavioral Treatment of Chronic Skin-Picking in Individuals With Developmental Disabilities: A Systematic Review
- Preventing Mathematics Difficulties in the Primary Grades: The Critical Features of Instruction in Textbooks as Part of the Equation
- Differences in the Relationship of Oral Reading Fluency and High-Stakes Measures of Reading Comprehension
- Physical exercise and individuals with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review
- The Effects of Tier 2 Intervention on the Mathematics Performance of First-Grade Students Who Are At Risk for Mathematics Difficulties
- Intensive Interventions in Mathematics for Upper Elementary and Secondary Students: A Meta-Analysis of Research
- The promise of response to intervention: Evaluating current science and practice
- Reading Comprehension Treatment Development for High School Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Stakeholder Considerations for Feasibility
- Effectiveness of a Supplemental Early Reading Intervention Scaled Up in Multiple Schools
- Building Number Sense Among English Learners: A Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial of a Tier 2 Kindergarten Mathematics Intervention
- Applying the Curriculum Research Framework in the Design and Development of a Technology-Based Tier 2 Mathematics Intervention
- The Effect of School Dropout on Verbal Ability in Adulthood: A Propensity Score Matching Approach
- Brain Activity in Struggling Readers Before Intervention Relates to Future Reading Gains
- Collaborative Strategic Reading for Adolescents With LD
- Effects of a Self-Management With Peer Training Intervention on Academic Engagement for High School Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Teaching functional use of an iPod-based speech-generating device to students with developmental disabilities
- Case Studies of Technology for Adults With Multiple Disabilities to Make Telephone Calls Independently
- Intervention Programs Based on Microswitch Technology for Persons With Multiple Disabilities: An Overview
- Efficacy of a Reading Intervention for Middle School Students Identified With Learning Disabilities
- Persons With Multiple Disabilities Choose Among Environmental Stimuli Using a Smile Response and a Technology-Aided Program
- Implementing a Response to Intervention Model to Improve Reading Outcomes for All Students
- Post-Coma Persons With Multiple Disabilities Use Assistive Technology for Their Leisure Engagement and Communication
- Applying a Cohesive Set of Comprehension Strategies to Content-Area Instruction
- Persons With Multiple Disabilities Exercise Adaptive Head Responses With the Support of Microswitch-Aided Programs
- Persons With Multiple Disabilities Exercise a Complex Response Scheme to Counter Incorrect Head and Shoulder Positions Via a Microswitch-Aided Program
- Technology-Aided Programs for Post-Coma Patients Emerged From or in a Minimally Conscious State
- Play Skills Taught Via Behavioral Intervention Generalize, Maintain, and Persist in the Absence of Socially Mediated Reinforcement in Children With Autism
- Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text
- Comparison of High and Low Preferred Topographies of Contingent Attention During Discrete Trial Training
- Ethnicity Reporting Practices for Empirical Research in Three Autism-Related Journals
- Tangible Symbols as an AAC Option for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities: A Systematic Review of Intervention Studies
- Intervention Fidelity in Special and General Education Research Journals
- Is a Three-Tier Reading Intervention Model Associated With Reduced Placement in Special Education?
- Fostering Family-Professional Partnerships
- An Evaluation of Speech Production in Two Boys With Neurodevelopmental Disorders Who Received Communication Intervention With a Speech-Generating Device
- Early Numeracy Intervention Program for First-Grade Students With Mathematics Difficulties
- Comparing Tangible Symbols, Picture Exchange, and a Direct Selection Response for Enabling Two Boys With Developmental Disabilities to Access Preferred Stimuli
- Sensory Integration Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability
- Survey of AAC Needs for Adults With Intellectual Disability in New Zealand
- Preference-Enhanced Communication Intervention and Development of Social Communicative Functions in a Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Three Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Learn to Perform a Three-Step Communication Sequence Using an iPad-Based Speech-Generating Device
- Chelation Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
- Developing Consumer and System-Level Readiness for Self-Advocacy: Perspectives of Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors of Postsecondary Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Alignment of Single-Case Design (SCD) Research With Individuals Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing With the What Works Clearinghouse Standards for SCD Research
- A Look at National Data: Parental Expectations Shape Student Achievement
- Professional Preparedness and Perspectives on Transition for Individuals Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing
- Accommodations Use Patterns in High School and Postsecondary Settings for Students Who Are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Bridging the Communication Divide: CMC and Deaf Individuals’ Literacy Skills
- Social Skills as a Predictor of Postsecondary Outcomes for Individuals Who Are Deaf
- Engaging Students With Disabilities in Text-Based Discussions: Guidance for General Education Social Studies Classrooms
- Math Language in Middle School: Be More Specific
- Student Practice Opportunities in Core Mathematics Instruction: Exploring for a Goldilocks Effect for Kindergartners With Mathematics Difficulties
- Are Homeschooled Adolescents Less Likely to Use Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs?
- The Common Core State Standards and Reading: Interpretations, Implications for Elementary Students
- Explaining Variation in Findings From Efficacy and Effectiveness Studies for English Reading Interventions for English Learners
- Improving Reading Comprehension and Social Studies Knowledge in Middle School
- Vocabulary & Main Idea Reading Intervention Using Text Choice to Improve Content Knowledge & Reading Comprehension of Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Effects of After-School Programs With At-Risk Youth on Attendance and Externalizing Behaviors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Special Education Teachers' Perceptions and Instructional Practices in Response to Intervention Implementation
- Common Core State Standards and Students With Learning Disabilities: Introduction to the Special Issue
- Recent systematic reviews in education from the Campbell Collaboration
- Breastfeeding and Child Development Outcomes: An Investigation of the Nurturing Hypothesis
- Treatment Effects for Adolescent Struggling Readers: An Application of Moderated Learning and Individual Differences
- A Synthesis and Meta-Analysis of Reading Interventions Using Social Studies Content for Students With Learning Disabilities
- High School Dropouts in Emerging Adulthood: Substance Use, Mental Health Problems, and Crime
- Instructional Practices for Improving Student Outcomes in Solving Arithmetic Combinations
- Using Collaborative Strategic Reading to Improve Reading Comprehension
- A Systematic Review of the Effects of Choice on Academic Outcomes for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Culturally Adapted Substance Use Interventions for Latino Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Stategies for Improving Students’ Reading Fluency
- Assistive Technology for People With Severe/Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities
- Household Food Insecurity and Children's Behaviour Problems: New Evidence From a Trajectories-Based Study
- A Comparison of Responsive Interventions on Kindergarteners’ Early Reading Achievement
- Assistive Technology for People With Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Using Graphic Organizers in Secondary, Inclusive Content Classes
- Breastfeeding and Trajectories of Children’s Cognitive Development
- Learning Disability Identification Criteria and Reporting in Empirical Research: A Review of 2001–2013
- Assistive Technology for Postsecondary Students With Disabilities
- Toward a Bioecological Model of School Engagement: A Biometric Analysis of Gene and Environmental Factors
- Shared Story Reading: Teaching Mathematics to Students With Moderate and Severe Disabilities
- Early Numeracy Skills in Preschool-Aged Children: A Review of Neurocognitive Findings and Implications for Assessment and Intervention
- Teaching Functional Communication to Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Reading Instruction and Students With Learning Disabilities
- Families of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: Intervention and Family Supports
- Assistive Technology for People With Behavior Problems
- Reading Comprehension for Adolescents With Significant Reading Problems
- Naturalistic Approaches to Social Skills Training and Development
- Reading Comprehension Interventions for Middle School Students With Learning Disabilities: A Synthesis of 30 Years of Research
- Self-Injurious Behavior
- How Ready Are Postsecondary Institutions for Students Who Are d/Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing?
- Computer-Based Instruction
- Assistive Technology for People With Communication Disorders
- The Effects of Student and Text Characteristics on the Oral Reading Fluency of Middle-Grade Students
- Assistive Technology for People With Alzheimer’s Disease
- Acquisition, Preference, and Follow-up Data on the Use of Three AAC Options by Four Boys With Developmental Disability/Delay
- Benchmarks for Expected Annual Academic Growth for Students in the Bottom Quartile of the Normative Distribution
- Virtual Manipulatives: Tools for Teaching Mathematics to Students With Learning Disabilities
- Meta-Analyses of the Effects of Tier 2 Type Reading Interventions in Grades K–3
- Comparing Acquisition of and Preference for Manual Signs, Picture Exchange, and Speech-Generating Devices in Nine Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
- The Effect of Reading Duration on the Reliability and Validity of Middle School Students’ ORF Performance
- Comparing Acquisition of AAC-Based Mands in 3 Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Using iPad Applications With Different Display and Design Elements
- Interpreting Secondary Students’ Performance on a Timed, Multiple-Choice Reading Comprehension Assessment: The Prevalence and Impact of Non-Attempted Items
- Music Therapy for Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review
- Inferential Processing Among Adequate and Struggling Adolescent Comprehenders and Relations to Reading Comprehension
- Advancing the Science of Social Work: The Case for Biosocial Research
- Assessing Learning as a Sign of Consciousness in Post-Coma Persons With Minimal Responsiveness
- Further Evaluation of Programs for Promoting Daily Activities and Indoor Orientation and Travel in Persons With Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease
- Reading Big Words: Instructional Practices to Promote Multisyllabic Word Reading Fluency
- Orientation Technology to Help Persons With Blindness and Multiple Disabilities Manage Indoor Travel and Travel-Related Anxiety
- Two Men With Advanced Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Operate a Computer-Aided Television System Through Mouth or Throat Microswitches
- People With Multiple Disabilities Use Basic Reminding Technology to Engage in Daily Activities at the Appropriate Times
- The Impact of Intensive Reading Intervention on Level of Attention in Middle School Students
- Microswitch Programs for Woman With Rett Syndrome & Boy With Neuro-Motor & Intellectual Disabilities
- Effects of Good Behavior Game on Off-Task Behavior in a High School Basic Algebra Resource Classroom
- Examining the Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Reading Comprehension Intervention in Middle Schools: A Focus on Treatment Fidelity
- The Contribution of Attentional Control and Working Memory to Reading Comprehension and Decoding
- What is Intensive Instruction and Why Is It Important?
- A Synthesis of Mathematics Writing: Assessments, Interventions, and Surveys
- Team-Based Learning for Students With High-Incidence Disabilities in High School Social Studies Classrooms
- Teaching Social Studies to Upper Elementary Students With Learning Disabilities: Explicit Instruction and Graphic Organizers
- Piloting a Math Writing Intervention With Late Elementary Students At Risk for Learning Difficulties
- The Construction of Visual-Spatial Situation Models in Children's Reading and Their Relation to Reading Comprehension
- Variables Influencing Algebra Performance: Understanding Rational Numbers Is Essential
- Effects of Intervention on Word-Problem Language Features of Grade 3 Students With Math Difficulty
- Storybook Reading: Improving Vocabulary and Comprehension for English-Language Learners
- Efficacy of a First-Grade Mathematics Intervention on Measurement and Data Analysis
- Intensive Reading Remediation in Grade 2 or 3: Are There Effects a Decade Later?
- Team-Based Learning: Moderating Effects of Metacognitive Elaborative Rehearsal and Middle School History Content Recall
- An Investigation of Literacy Practices in High School Science Classrooms
- Reading Comprehension for Students With Reading Disabilities: A Misunderstood Construct
- Research-Based Reading Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities
- The Write Stuff: How to Create a Strong Cadre of Readers and Writers in Texas
- Professional Development to Implementation: A District’s Mathematics Tiered Systems of Support
- How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going?
- Universal Design for Learning in Pre-K to Grade 12 Classrooms: A Systematic Review of Research
- Typical Reading Instructional Practices Provided to Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in a Residential and Day Treatment Setting: A Mixed Methods Study
- An Epidemiological Study of Burglary Offenders: Trends and Predictors of Self-Reported Arrests for Burglary in the United States, 2002-2013
- Adolescents' Use of Reading Comprehension Strategies: Differences Related to Reading Proficiency, Grade Level, and Gender
- Elementary Math Interventions: Students With Math Difficulty With and Without Reading Difficulty
- Marijuana Use Among Young People in an Era of Policy Change: What Does Recent Evidence Tell Us?
- Development of American Sign Language Guidelines for K–12 Academic Assessments
- Relationship Between Implementation of Collaborative Strategic Reading and Student Outcomes for Adolescents With Disabilities
- Meta-Analysis With Complex Research Designs: Dealing With Dependence From Multiple Measures and Multiple Group Comparisons
- The Truth Is Out There
- Adolescents’ Motivation for Reading: Group Differences and Relation to Standardized Achievement
- Middle School Social Studies: Using the Text to Improve Reading Comprehension
- Using Videos to Assess Preference for Novel Stimuli in Children With Autism
- Narratives of participation, identity, and positionally: Two cases of Saudi learners of English in America.
- Addressing the Needs of Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Considerations and Complexities for High School Interventions
- Analysis of Behavioral Indicators as a Measure of Satiation
- Improving Middle-School Students’ Knowledge and Comprehension in Social Studies: A Replication
- Reading Comprehension Strategies for High School Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Summary of Process Research
- Integrating Content Knowledge-Building and Student-Regulated Comprehension Practices in Secondary English Language Arts Classes
- The Acceptability of Self-Sampled Screening for HPV DNA: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Addressing the Academic Needs of Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder in Secondary Education
- Investigating a Reading Comprehension Intervention for High School Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study
- Comparison of Students’ Achievement: Deaf, Learning Disabled, and Deaf With a Learning Disability
- The Role of Cognitive Processes, Foundational Math Skill, and Calculation Accuracy and Fluency in Word-Problem Solving Versus Prealgebraic Knowledge
- Mathematics Performance on Integers of Students With Mathematics Difficulties
- Effects of a Text-Processing Comprehension Intervention on Struggling Middle School Readers
- Instructional Engineering Principles to Frame the Future of Reading Intervention Research and Practice
- Actionable 10: A Checklist to Boost Mathematics Teaching for Students With Learning Disabilities
- Literacy and Text Reading in Middle and High School Social Studies and English Language Arts Classrooms
- Geometry Interventions for Students With Learning Disabilities: A Research Synthesis
- Promoting Acceleration of Comprehension and Content Through Text in High School Social Studies Classes
- Effective Practices for Teaching Content Area Reading
- Influence of Writing Ability and Computation Skill on Mathematics Writing
- Hourly peak PM2.5 concentration associated with increased cardiovascular mortality in Guangzhou, China
- Challenges and Benefits of Schoolwide Professional Development
- Implementing Team-Based Learning in Middle School Social Studies Classes
- New Directions in Intervention Research
- Enhancing Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking in the Content Areas for ELLs in the Middle Grades
- Reading Instruction for Fourth-Grade Struggling Readers and the Relation to Student Outcomes
- Special Education Research Advances Knowledge in Education
- Staying Within One’s Data to Make Recommendations for Practice in Primary Educational Research Journals
- Fidelity in After-School Program Intervention Research: A Systematic Review
- Applying Research in Reading Comprehension to Social Studies Instruction for Middle and High School Students
- Sample Size Limits for Estimating Upper Level Mediation Models Using Multilevel SEM
- Collaborative Strategic Reading: Findings From Experienced Implementers
- Ten Years of Research: A Systematic Review of Three Refereed LD Journals
- The Effects of Team-Based Learning on Social Studies Knowledge Acquisition in High School
- To Wait in Tier 1 or Intervene Immediately: A Randomized Experiment Examining First-Grade Response to Intervention in Reading
- Effects of Ratio Strategies Intervention on Knowledge of Ratio Equivalence for Students With Learning Disability
- Learning Disabilities: Mathematics Characteristics and Instructional Exemplars
- A Comparison of the Effects of Reading Interventions on Engagement and Performance for Fourth-Grade Students With Learning Disabilities
- Performance of Fourth-Grade Students With Learning Disabilities on Multiplication Facts: Comparing Teacher-Mediated and Technology-Mediated Interventions
- Mathematics Interventions: Translating Research Into Practice (Introduction to Special Issue)
- Cognitive Strategy Instruction for Teaching Word Problems to Primary-Level Struggling Students
- A Century of Progress: Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 4–12, 1914–2014
- The Impact of Tier 2 Mathematics Instruction on Second Graders With Mathematics Difficulties
- Developing Concepts and Generalizations to Build Algebraic Thinking: The Reversibility, Flexibility, and Generalization Approach
- Improving Reading Comprehension and Social Studies Knowledge Among Middle School Students With Disabilities
- The Antecedents and Outcomes of Autonomous Behaviors: Modeling the Role of Autonomy in Achieving Sustainable Employment for Deaf Young Adults
- Use and Relationships Among Effective Practices in Co-Taught Inclusive High School Classrooms
- Text-Processing Differences in Adolescent Adequate and Poor Comprehenders Reading Accessible and Challenging Narrative and Informational Text
- Accommodations Quality for Students Who Are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Cognitive Attributes, Attention, and Self-Efficacy of Adequate and Inadequate Responders in a Fourth-Grade Reading Intervention
- Equity in Assessment for Individuals Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Including Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students With Co-Occurring Disabilities in the Accommodations Discussion
- Assessment Accommodations on Tests of Academic Achievement for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing: A Qualitative Meta-Analysis of the Research Literature
- Predicting First-Grade Reading Performance From Kindergarten Response to Tier I Instruction
- Toward Accessible Assessments: The Promises and Limitations of Test Item Modifications for Students With Disabilities and English Language Learners
- Phonological Awareness: A Critical Foundation for Beginning Reading
- Peter Effect in the Preparation of Reading Teachers
- Reliability and Validity of Oral Reading Fluency Median and Mean Scores Among Middle Grade Readers When Using Equated Texts
- Telepractice in the assessment and treatment of individuals with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review
- Evidence-Based Intervention for Primary Age Students With Mathematics Challenges
- Teaching students with special needs in inclusive classrooms
- Evaluation of a Social Stories™ intervention implemented by pre-service teachers for students with autism in general education settings
- A glass half full: A commentary on the special issue
- Assessing Impact, DIF and DFF in Accommodated Item Scores: A Comparison of Multilevel Measurement Model Parameterizations
- Social Work Doctoral Education: Are Doctoral Students Being Prepared to Teach?
- Student Perceptions of Instruction in Middle and Secondary U.S. History Classes
- Test Item Modifications for English Language Learners: Review of the Empirical Literature and Recommendations for Practice
- From the Margins to the Spotlight: Diverse Deaf and Hard of Hearing Student Populations and Standardized Assessment Accessibility
- A Synthesis of Reading and Spelling Interventions and Their Effects on Spelling Outcomes for Students With Learning Disabilities
- Comprehension, Grades 4–6
- Monitoring Student Response to Mathematics Intervention: Using Data to Inform Tier 3 Intervention
- The Relations Among Oral and Silent Reading Fluency and Comprehension in Middle School: Implications for Identification and Instruction of Students With Reading
- An Experimental Study of Scheduling and Duration of “Tier 2” First-Grade Reading Intervention
- Bullying Victimization Among School-Aged Immigrant Youth in the United States
- The Role of Self-Beliefs in Predicting Postschool Outcomes for Deaf Young Adults
- High School Dropouts: Interactions Between the Social Context, Self-Perceptions, School Engagement, and Student Dropout
- Leveling the Playing Field? Communication Technology as a Predictor of Future Attainments for Deaf Young Adults
- Cognitive Correlates of Inadequate Response to Reading Intervention
- Assessing English Literacy as a Predictor of Postschool Outcomes in the Lives of Deaf Individuals
- Parents’ Perspectives on Transition and Postsecondary Outcomes for Their Children Who Are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Responsiveness-to-intervention: A decade later
- Effect of Parent Involvement and Parent Expectations on Postsecondary Outcomes for Individuals Who Are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Anxiety and Reading Difficulties in Early Elementary School: Evidence for Unidirectional or Bi-Directional Relations?
- Examining the Impact of Teacher Quality on Students’ Comprehension and Content-Area Achievement
- An Investigation of Fourth-Grade Teachers’ Use of Vocabulary Instruction in Social Studies
- Fluency Instruction
- Writing like a historian: What teacher candidates should know and be able to teach
- Disciplinary Literacy
- Effective Phonics Instruction
- The Critical Components of Effective Reading Instruction
- A Comprehensive, Interactive Approach to Vocabulary Development
- Becoming an Effective Literacy Teacher: Introduction
- Putting It All Together: Becoming an Effective Literacy Teacher
- Fundamentals of Literacy Instruction and Assessment, Pre-K–6
- Now We Get It! Boosting Comprehension With Collaborative Strategic Reading
- Ten Tips to Becoming an Effective Teacher
- A Comparison of Functional Analysis Results When Conducted in Contrived Versus Naturalistic Settings
- Gluten-Free and Casein-Free Diets in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
- Remediating Reading Difficulties and Response to Intervention With Secondary Students
- Reading Interventions for Older Students
- Bridging Research and Practice for Adolescents With Reading Difficulties: An Introduction to the Special Issue
- Comprehension Instruction for Students With Reading Disabilities in Grades 4 Through 12
- Retell as an Indicator of Reading Comprehension
- The Validity of a Holistically Scored Retell Protocol for Determining the Reading Comprehension of Middle School Students
- Engagement of Temporal Lobe Regions Predicts Response to Educational Interventions in Adolescent Struggling Readers
- Early Mathematics Achievement Trajectories: English-Language Learner and Native English-Speaker Estimates Using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey
- Temporo-Parietal Brain Activity as a Longitudinal Predictor of Response to Educational Interventions Among Middle School Struggling Readers
- Intensive Intervention in Mathematics
- Inborn and Acquired Brain and Physical Disabilities
- Intellectual Disability
- Embedding Perseverative Interest of a Child With Autism in Text May Result in Improved Reading Comprehension: A Pilot Study
- Increasing the Vocalizations of Individuals With Autism During Intervention With a Speech-Generating Device
- Upacking Word Problems for Diverse Learners: A Guide to Using Schemas
- RTI in the Common Core Classroom: A Framework for Instruction and Assessment
- Research Involving Anxiety in Nonhuman Primates Has Potential Implications for the Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- A Speech Generating Device for Persons With Intellectual and Sensory-Motor Disabilities
- Technology-Aided Leisure and Communication: Opportunities for Persons With Advanced Parkinson's Disease
- An Examination of Within-Session Responding Following Access to Reinforcing Stimuli
- Collaborative Models of Instruction: The Empirical Foundations of Inclusion and Co-Teaching
- Treatment of Echolalia in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review
- Undergraduates’ Perceptions of Three Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modes
- Psychometric Properties of Maze Tasks in Middle School Students
- A Computer-Aided Program Regulating the Presentation of Visual Instructions to Support Activity Performance in Persons With Multiple Disabilities
- Persons With Multiple Disabilities Engage in Stimulus Choice and Postural Control With the Support of a Technology-Aided Program
- Strategies for teaching students with learning and behavior problems
- Effects of Script Training on the Peer-to-Peer Communication of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Reading Interventions for Secondary Students
- Response to Intervention With Secondary School Students With Reading Difficulties
- Comparison of Therapist Implemented and iPad-Assisted Interventions for Children With Autism
- Efficacy of Collaborative Strategic Reading With Middle School Students
- Training Parents of Children With Intellectual Disabilities: Trends, Issues, and Future Directions
- Using a Video Modeling-Based Intervention Package to Toilet Train Two Children With Autism
- An iPad-Based Intervention for Teaching Picture and Word Matching to a Student With ASD and Severe Communication Impairment
- Effects of Intensive Reading Intervention for Eighth Grade Students With Persistently Inadequate Response to Intervention
- A Review of Peer-Mediated Social Interaction Interventions for Students With Autism in Inclusive Settings
- Effects of Individualized and Standardized Interventions on Middle School Students With Reading Disabilities
- Responsive Interaction Parent Training via Distance Education: Early Outcomes and Current Obstacles
- Incorporating Perseverative Interests Into Interventions for Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review of the Literature
- Reading Interventions With Varying Instructional Emphases for 4th Graders With Reading Difficulties
- Effects of Script Fading on Scripted and Novel Utterances in Conversations Between Peers With Autism
- Intensive Reading Instruction in Juvenile Correctional Settings
- Interventions to Treat Echolalia for Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Mathematics Interventions for Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review
- School Setting Behavior That Characterizes Social Justice: An Empirical Approach to Illustrate the Concept
- Extensive Reading Intervention for Older Struggling Readers: Implications From Research
- The Effects of Teacher Read-Alouds and Student Silent Reading on Predominantly Bilingual High School Seniors' Learning and Retention of Social Studies Content
- Longitudinal Mediators of Achievement in Mathematics and Reading in Typical and Atypical Development
- Code Sheet and Guide for Education-Related Intervention Study Syntheses
- A Meta-Analysis of Interventions for Struggling Readers in Grades 4–12: 1980–2011
- Long-Term Exposure to Urban Air Pollution and Lung Cancer Mortality: A 12-Year Cohort Study in Northern China
- Initial Understandings of Fraction Concepts Evidenced by Students With Mathematics Learning Disabilities and Difficulties: A Framework
- External Evaluation of the Research-Validated Approach to Instruction for Secondary Excellence in Texas 2011–2014 Demonstration Project: Midproject Report
- Using Paraphrasing and Text Structure Instruction to Support Main Idea Generation
- Using Question Generation to Improve Reading Comprehension for Middle‐Grade Students
- Effects of Reading Instruction on Learning Outcomes in Social Studies: A Synthesis of Quantitative Research
- Identifying and Teaching Students With Significant Reading Problems
- Cost-Effectiveness of a Grade 8 Intensive Reading and Content Learning Intervention
- Inference Instruction for Struggling Readers: A Synthesis of Intervention Research
- Fraction Interventions for Students Struggling to Learn Mathematics: A Research Synthesis
- The Effects of Knowledge Availability and Knowledge Accessibility on Coherence and Elaborative Inferencing in Children From Six to Fifteen Years of Age
- Meaning Construction and Integration in Children With Hydrocephalus
- A Synthesis of Mathematical and Cognitive Performances of Students With Mathematics Learning Disabilities
- Comprehension Skill, Inference-Making Ability, and Their Relation to Knowledge
- ASK Internal Technical Report
- The Role of Illustrations in Children’s Inferential Comprehension
- Three High-Leverage Practices
- Supplemental Mathematics Intervention: How and Why Special Educators Intensify Intervention for Students With Learning Disabilities
- The Effects of a Tier 3 Intervention on the Mathematics Performance of Second Grade Students With Severe Mathematics Difficulties
- Tier 2 Intervention for At-Risk First-Grade Students Within a Response-to-Intervention Model of Support
- Effects of Spanish Vocabulary Knowledge on the English Word Knowledge and Listening Comprehension of Bilingual Students
- Common Themes in Teaching Reading for Understanding: Lessons From Three Projects
- A Synthesis of Interventions for Improving Oral Reading Fluency of Elementary Students With Learning Disabilities
- Behavioral Indicators of Satiation: A Systematic Review
- A Systematic Synthesis of Behavioral Interventions for Food Selectivity of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Examining Fourth-Grade Mathematics Writing: Features of Organization, Mathematics Vocabulary, and Mathematical Representations
- An Investigation of the Mathematics-Vocabulary Knowledge of First-Grade Students
- Predicting Reading Outcomes With Progress Monitoring Slopes Among Middle Grade Students
- Reading Comprehension Interventions for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Synthesis of Research
- Effects of an Intensive Reading Intervention for Ninth-Grade English Learners With Learning Disabilities
- Tier 2 Reading Interventions: Exploring the Classification and Profiles of Adequate and Inadequate Responders
- Supporting Clear and Concise Mathematics Language: Instead of That, Say This
- Computer-Based Graphic Organizers for Students With LD: A Systematic Review of Literature
- Supporting Reading Comprehension for Students Who Are Learning English and Have Learning Disabilities
- Oral Reading Fluency Development for Children With Emotional Disturbances or Learning Disabilities
- Predictors of At-Risk Kindergartners' Later Reading Difficulty: Examining Learner-By-Intervention Interactions
- Academic Responding During Instruction and Reading Outcomes for Kindergarten Students At-Risk for Reading Difficulties
- Teaching Elementary Students With Learning Difficulties
- Role Models as Facilitators of Social Capital for Deaf Individuals: A Research Synthesis
- High School Students With Reading Comprehension Difficulties: Results of a Randomized Control Trial of a Two-Year Reading Intervention
- Student Engagement Among High School English Learners With Reading Comprehension Difficulties
- The Differential Efficacy of a Professional Development Model on Reading Outcomes for Students With and Without Disabilities