
Project ALIGN is designed to help schools implement aligned instruction across fifth-grade core and intervention settings and to improve both reading comprehension and content learning. The project is funded by the Institute of Education Sciences and will give selected schools access to high-quality professional development, lesson materials, and ongoing support while the research team gathers critical data to advance the education field.

Project ALIGN Overview Flyer

Project ALIGN Detailed Flyer


Participants will receive the following:

  • Fully prepared, aligned lesson materials for core and intervention classes, including teacher lesson books, student journals, and cue cards. These lessons focus on reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing; integrate fifth-grade, TEKS-aligned U.S. history content; and embed the science of teaching reading.
  • A full day of initial professional development followed by ongoing coaching and booster sessions from MCPER staff
  • Assessments for students
  • Generous stipends for participating teachers (up to $625)


  • Must be a public or public charter school in Texas
  • Must have fifth-grade students on campus
  • Must have a daily core reading block of at least 45 minutes per day
  • Must deliver small-group reading intervention at least three times per week for at least 30 minutes

How to Apply

  • To be considered for participation, please complete the brief application here or scan the QR code below.
  • A member of the Project ALIGN team will review your application and set up a Zoom interview if you meet the standard requirements.
  • Schools will be notified of selection as soon as possible. 
  • The deadline to apply is Friday, July 12!


For more information, contact Christy Murray.