The Effects of Tier 2 Intervention on the Mathematics Performance of First-Grade Students Who Are At Risk for Mathematics Difficulties


This article presents the results of a study that examined the effects of Tier 2 intervention on the performance of first-grade students identified as being at risk for mathematics difficulties. Participants included 161 (Tier 2, n = 42) first-graders. Tier 2 students received 20-minute intervention booster lessons in number and operation skills and concepts for 23 weeks. Results showed a significant intervention effect on the Texas Early Mathematics Inventories – Progress Monitoring total standard score.


Bryant, D. P., Bryant, B. R., Gersten, R. M., Scammacca, N. N., Funk, C., Winter, A., . . . Pool, C. (2008). The effects of Tier 2 intervention on the mathematics performance of first-grade students who are at risk for mathematics difficulties. Learning Disability Quarterly, 31(2), 47–63.