Assistive Technology for People With Severe/Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities


This chapter provides an overview of studies that focused on intervention programs and technological resources directed at enhancing the performance and achievement of people with severe and profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. The general goals of the studies included in the review were promoting adaptive behavior and environmental stimulation control (and occasionally also reducing problem posture/behavior), communication, preliminary ambulation skills, indoor orientation and travel, and task engagement. The studies are divided in four groups (with possible subgroups) based on the technological resources they assessed. The main technological resources employed were microswitches, speech-generating devices, spatial orientation systems, and activity instruction systems. The final part of the chapter provides general considerations about the studies (technological resources) reviewed and their implications for daily programs and also suggests several issues for new research in the area.


Lancioni, G. E., Singh, N. N., O’Reilly, M. F., Sigafoos, J., & Oliva, D. (2014). Assistive technology for people with severe/profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. In G. Lancioni & N. Singh (Eds.), Assistive technology for people with diverse abilities (pp. 277–313). New York, NY: Springer.