Educational experts at MCPER have created videos to help parents and guardians use effective practices to teach students at home due to COVID-19. Below, click on any image to read a description, download free resources, and watch the video.
Helping Your Kid With . . . Early Language and Literacy

Helping Your Kid With . . . Building Vocabulary and Comprehension With Read-Alouds

Helping Your Kid With . . . Activity Transitions

Helping Your Kid With . . . Cooperation With Difficult Tasks

Helping Your Kid With . . . Learning (and Loving) the Language of Math

Helping Your Kid With . . . Interactive Word Walls

Helping Your Kid With . . . Reading Comprehension

Helping Your Kid With . . . Comprehending Texts Independently

Helping Your Kid With . . . Phonemic Awareness

Helping Your Kid With . . . Science

Helping Your Kid With . . . Reading Skills Practice Through Games

Helping Your Kid With . . . Two-Dimensional Shapes

Helping Your Kid With . . . Getting Vocabulary to Stick

Helping Your Kid With . . . High-Frequency Words

Helping Your Kid With . . . Counting

Helping Your Kid With . . . Reading Multisyllable Words

Helping Your Kid With . . . Building Academic Vocabulary

Helping Your Kid With . . . Basic Phonics at Home

Helping Your Kid With . . . Fractions

Reading With Your Middle School Aged Child

Helping Your Kid With . . . Identifying the Main Idea

Helping Your Kid With . . . Practicing Reading at Home

Helping Your Kid With . . . Motivation to Work at Home

Helping Your Kid With . . . Math Word Problems