Higher Education Collaboratives: Aligning Research and Practice in Teacher Education


Decades of research evidence confirms the lasting value of reading instruction that includes five essential elements: phonemic awareness, systematic phonics, text fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2000). Moreover, a teacher’s level of expertise in assessing and teaching these essential skills predicts reading improvement in children (Moats, 2004). Although ongoing research is important to refine our understanding of reading acquisition and instruction, enough valid, research evidence exists to improve reading instruction. However, this knowledge about evidence-based reading instruction is not universally recognized, accepted, or practiced.


Cheesman, E., Hougen, M., & Smartt, S. (2010). Higher education collaboratives: Aligning research and practice in teacher education. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 36(4), 31–35.