Applying Research in Reading Comprehension to Social Studies Instruction for Middle and High School Students


Secondary-level content area teachers face unique challenges in helping their students successfully read, understand, and learn content from complex texts in their discipline. This article provides a set of research-based intstructional practices designed to improve students’ reading and comprehension of text and content. Specific examples of each practice within a social studies unit illustrate how to promote text reading and understanding that is integrated with the content.

Also available in the Downloads section at right are sample materials from the authors’ Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text project, described in the manuscript.


Swanson, E., & Wanzek, J. (2013). Applying research in reading comprehension to social studies instruction for middle and high school students. Intervention in School and Clinic. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/1053451213496157