Mathematics Interventions: Translating Research Into Practice (Introduction to Special Issue)


The special issue provides content knowledge about specific mathematics skills and concepts and evidence-based practices for teaching this content to students who have mathematics learning disabilities or are struggling with mathematics but may not have an identified mathematics disability. The intent of this issue is to provide readers with informa tion about students for whom learning mathematics is challenging and oftentimes frustrating because they lack important prerequisite understanding and procedures about early numeracy concepts; mathematical ideas, such as equivalence; ways to think about the structure of mathematics; and cognitive strategies for word problem solving.


Bryant, D. P., Bryant, B. R., & Pfannenstiel, K. H. (2015). Mathematics interventions: Translating research into practice (Introduction to special issue). Intervention in School and Clinic50(5), 255–256. doi:10.1177/1053451214560893