MCPER has begun a new partnership with the George W. Bush Institute, launching the Middle School Matters Institute (MSMI) with a 3-year, $2.6 million grant. MSMI will develop and disseminate resources and research on middle grades improvement and will provide direct support to select middle schools in Texas. Dr. Sarojani Mohammed will serve as the director.
As one branch of the Middle School Matters program, MSMI will use a multitiered approach to support middle grades educators. MSMI will develop a website to disseminate evidence-based practices and resources, host annual conferences for select schools that wish to develop a Middle School Matters Implementation Plan, and provide targeted support to a small number of schools on applying their Implementation Plan.
MSMI will work in conjunction with the Middle School Matters Coalition, led by the Bush Institute. A seven-member advisory board—Robert Balfanz of Johns Hopkins University, Wanda Bamberg of Aldine Independent School District, David Chard of Southern Methodist University, Mark Dynarski of Chesapeake Consulting, Art Graesser of the University of Memphis, Steve Graham of Arizona State University, and Gina Rodriguez of the Bush Institute—also will support MSMI.
MCPER is thankful for the support of Manuel J. Justiz, dean of the College of Education; as well as those who contributed financial support, such as the Bass Foundation; Sid W. Richardson Foundation; Meadows Foundation; Brown Foundation; and Bank of America Charitable Foundation.