In 2003, a committee of secondary teachers reviewed this guide to recommend revisions. The committee determined that educators would benefit from the more current information found in the Comprehension section of the Special Education Reading Project (SERP) Secondary Institute, Parts I & II: Effective Instruction for Secondary Struggling Readers: Research-Based Practices.
The original guide focuses on the Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) approach to achieve effective reading comprehension with struggling students. CSR includes activating students’ prior knowledge by previewing text, “clicking and clunking” with fix-up strategies, getting the gist (main idea and summarizing), and wrapping up the lesson by generating different types of questions.
It also contains general adaptations (i.e., instructional design, instruction and curricula, behavioral support) and specific adaptations (e.g., fix-up strategies) that will benefit struggling readers and writers, including students with disabilities.