Research Interests and Expertise
Reading intervention research; data-based decision making; intensive intervention for students with persistent reading challenges, including dyslexia
Research Projects and Grants
- Collaborative Teacher Expertise in Evidence-Based Decision Making for Reading Intervention: Development of The EXPERT Training Program | Institute of Education Sciences, 2019–2023 (principal investigator)*
- Cohesive Integration of Behavior Support Within a Process of Data-Based Intervention Intensification | Institute of Education Sciences, 2018–2023 (co-investigator)*
- STAMP of Success in Doctoral Education: Student Training, Advising, and Mentorship Practices | The University of Texas at Austin, Provost’s Teaching Fellow, 2018–2020 (principal investigator)
*MCPER projects
Boards, Committees, and Associations
- Associate editor, Assessment for Effective Intervention
- Principal member, Institute of Education Sciences grant review panel
- Editorial review boards: Journal of Learning Disabilities, Intervention in School and Clinic, Assessment for Effective Intervention, Elementary School Journal
- Associations: Council for Exceptional Children, Council for Learning Disabilities, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
- Member of Research Committee, Division of Learning Disabilities, Council for Exceptional Children
- Member of Professional Development, Standards, & Ethics Committee, Division of Learning Disabilities, Council for Exceptional Children
Community Service
- National Board of Directors, GLSEN
- Board of Directors and vice-chair, Disability Rights Texas
- Advisory Board, UT University Charter System
Recent Awards
- Texas 10, The Alcade magazine, The University of Texas at Austin, 2017
- Pat Clifford Award for Early Career Research in Education, Canadian Education Association, 2012
- Governor General’s Gold Medal, McGill University, 2011
Representative Publications
- *Didion, L. A., Toste, J. R., & *Filderman, M. J. (in press). Teacher professional development and reading achievement of K–12 students: A meta-analytic review of the effects. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness.
- Lemons, C. J., & Toste, J. R. (in press). Professional development and coaching: Addressing the “last mile” problem in educational research. Assessment for Effective Intervention.
- Cho, E., Toste, J. R., *Lee, M., & *Ju, U. (2019). Motivational predictors of struggling readers’ reading comprehension: The effects of mindset, achievement goals, and engagement. Reading and Writing, 32(5), 1219–1242.
- Toste, J. R., *Capin, P., *Williams, K. J., Cho, E., & Vaughn, S. (2019). Replication of an experimental study investigating the efficacy of a multisyllabic word reading intervention with and without motivational beliefs training for struggling readers. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52(1), 45–58.
- Toste, J. R., Vaughn, S., Martinez, L. R., & Bustillos-SoRelle, D. (2018). Content-area reading comprehension and teachers’ use of instructional time: Effects on middle school students’ social studies knowledge. Reading and Writing. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s11145-018-9925-7
- *Filderman, M. J., Toste, J. R., *Didion, L. A., Peng, P., & Clemens, N. H. (2018). Data-based decision making in reading interventions: A synthesis and meta-analysis of the effects for struggling readers. Journal of Special Education, 52(3), 174–187.
- *Filderman, M. J., & Toste, J. R. (2018). Decisions, decisions, decisions: Using data to make instructional decisions for struggling readers. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 50(3), 130–140.
- Toste, J. R., *Capin, P., Vaughn, S., *Roberts, G. G., & Kearns, D. M. (2017). Multisyllabic word reading instruction with and without motivational beliefs training for struggling readers in the upper elementary grades: A pilot investigation. The Elementary School Journal, 117(4), 593–615.
- Toste, J. R., *Williams, K. J., & *Capin, P. (2017). Reading big words: Instructional practices to promote multisyllabic word reading fluency. Intervention in School and Clinic, 52(5), 270–278.
- Toste, J. R., Heath, N. L., Connor, C. M., & Peng, P. (2015). Reconceptualizing teacher-student relationships: Applicability of the working alliance within classroom contexts. The Elementary School Journal, 116, 30–48.
- Toste, J. R., Bloom, E. L., & Heath, N. L. (2014). The differential role of classroom working alliance in predicting school-related outcomes for students with and without high-incidence disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 48(2), 135–148.
- Toste, J. R., Compton, D. L., Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L. S., Gilbert, J. K., Cho, E., . . . Bouton, B. D. (2014). Understanding unresponsiveness to Tier 2 reading intervention: Exploring the classification and profiles of adequate and inadequate responders. Learning Disability Quarterly, 37(4), 192–203.
*Student co-authors