Dr. Reutebuch has experience directing large-scale intervention, evaluation, and professional development projects. She serves as co-principal investigator on the Institute of Education Sciences-funded Center on Secondary Education for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder (Goal 2) and on the Scale-Up Reading Intervention Project (Goal 4). She is principal investigator of the Texas Education Agency-funded professional development project Targeting the 2 Percent. Her research interests include reading and academic interventions, effective instructional practices for English language learners and at-risk learners, and language and literacy development.
Boards, Committees, and Associations
Associations: Association for Behavior Analysis International, Council for Exceptional Children, Council for Learning Disabilities, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
Review Boards:Learning Disability Quarterly, Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Research in Developmental Disorders
Committee Co-Chair: Council for Learning Disabilities Leadership Development Committee
Advisory Boards: National Technical Assistance Center on Transition–Academic Rigor and Standards Access and Success, TextProject
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Ciullo, S., & Reutebuch, C. K. (2013). Computer based graphic organizers for students with LD: A synthesis. Learning Disability Research & Practice, 28(4), 196–210.
Edmonds, M. S., Vaughn, S., Wexler, J., Reutebuch, C., Cable, A., Tackett, K. K., & Schnakenberg, J. W. (2009). A synthesis of reading interventions and effects on reading comprehension outcomes for older struggling readers. Review of Educational Research, 79(1), 262–300.
Fleury, V. P., Hedges, S., Hume, K., Browder, D. M., Thompson, J. L., Fallin, K., El Zein, F., Reutebuch, C. K., & Vaughn, S. (in press). Addressing the academic needs of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder in secondary education. Remedial and Special Education.
Kim, A., Vaughn, S., Klingner, J. K., Woodruff, A. L., Reutebuch, C. K., & Kouzekanani, K. (2006). Improving the reading comprehension of middle school students with disabilities through computer-assisted collaborative strategic reading (CACSR). Remedial and Special Education, 27(4), 235–249.
Kim, A., Vaughn, S., Woodruff, A. L., & Reutebuch, C. K. (2006). Facilitating co-teaching for literacy in general education classrooms through technology. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 22, 269–291.
Kucharczyk, S., Reutebuch, C. K., Carter, E., Hedges, S., El Zein, F., Fan, H., & Gustafson, J. R. (2015). Addressing the needs of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: Considerations and complexities for high school interventions. Exceptional Children, 35(2), 1–21. doi:10.1177/00144029145637
Reutebuch, C. K. (2008). Twenty ways to succeed with response to intervention. Intervention in School and Clinic, 44(2), 126–128.
Reutebuch, C. K., El Zein, F., Kim, M. K., Weinberg, A. N., & Vaughn, S. (2015). Investigating a comprehension intervention for high school students with autism spectrum disorder: A pilot study. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 9, 96–11.
Vaughn, S., Martinez, L. R., Linan-Thompson, S., Reutebuch, C. K., Carlson, C. D., & Francis, D. J. (2009). Enhancing social studies vocabulary and comprehension for 7th grade English language learners: Findings from two experimental studies. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2(4), 297–394.
Wexler, J., Vaughn, S., Edmonds, M. S., & Reutebuch, C. K., (2008). Synthesis of fluency interventions for secondary struggling readers. Reading and Writing, 21(4), 317–347.