Poorna Kushalnagar, one of two new Deaf and Hard of Hearing Institute fellows, will present “Promoting and Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes in Deaf Youth and Adults” from noon to 2 p.m. on May 4 in Room 310 of the Sanchez Building.
Kushalnagar is a research associate professor in the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The following is from the event description: “Incorporating patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in research with patients who are deaf and use American Sign Language is essential for early symptom detection and prevention. This talk provides insight on the importance of using well-developed and validated PROs to assess the deaf patient’s experience that are seldom captured during clinician-based evaluations, summarizes the methodological steps to develop generic and deaf-specific PRO measures, and discusses challenges related to integrating PROs into research and clinical practice with deaf youth and adults.”