MCPER’s Gleb Furman won the In-Progress Research Award for his research poster presentation at the American Educational Research Association Division D Graduate Student In-Progress Research Gala in San Antonio.
Furman’s poster was among nine finalists selected to present at the gala. And among those finalists, he was one of three selected to present on his research at an invited session at next year’s meeting.
The following is from the poster’s abstract: “Use of the multiple membership random effects model (MMREM) has gained recent popularity in educational statistics and various other social and health sciences. The MMREM allows one to appropriately model multilevel data where level 1 units move across level 2 units, as in the case of mobile students. Weights are used to estimate the contribution of each cluster on level 1 units’ outcomes; however, research into the impact of misspecifying these weights and the ability to compare model fit given different weight specifications is limited and often suggests that weight specification may not matter. A sensitivity analysis found substantial differences in the variance/covariance estimates of fixed effects when slopes were free to vary. The proposed study seeks to expand this research to a more complex random intercept and slopes model and to determine the extent to which the deviance information criterion (DIC) can be used to compare different weight specifications on model fit.”