Algebra I Supplemental Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities at the High School Level: Observations and Intervention


This project includes development, validation, and review. The project develops and tests the lessons in both a high school resource class and an algebra I inclusion classroom. The lessons support students with learning disabilities by addressing weaknesses and providing evidence-based instruction in algebra readiness for greater success in mathematics.

All lessons, activity sheets, and materials are available online to Texas educators through Project Share.


The findings are promising for improving students’ algebra skills.

Project Design


Project staff members developed the lessons based on input from focus groups and observations during the 2010–2011 project Secondary Special Education Observation Study. In addition, the project developed and administered a survey for mathematics and special educators across Texas to determine the areas of algebra readiness with which students struggle the most. Project staff members triangulated these data with input from participating educators and administrators.

The intervention is divided into two modules, each containing of 12 to 15 lessons. The first module targets the concept of variables, and the second module focuses on solving equations and notions of equality. The skills in each lesson build on one another, and instructors implement the lessons sequentially. Each lesson incorporates research-based instructional practices that have been shown to support students with learning disabilities and effective practices for mathematics instruction.

The other component of this project includes experts in the field of algebra instruction and/or students with learning disabilities reviewing the lessons. Project staff members analyze the student assessment responses alongside the reviewer feedback to inform revision of both the lesson content and materials.


Students with learning disabilities in algebra I inclusion and resource classes, five outside reviewers, and general and special educators implementing the lessons