How Can I Help to Improve My Child’s Reading Comprehension? Two Useful Strategies for Reading at Home


Understanding is the primary goal of reading. Strong reading comprehension is critical to student success in all subjects. As students move into higher grades, the texts they read become increasingly complex. Upper-grade texts are often dense, packed with important concepts and technical vocabulary. Students need to be aware of when their comprehension breaks down and have strategies for learning new information from text. 

Parents can help students use comprehension strategies when reading at home. Here are two evidence-based strategies to try.

Both English and Spanish versions are available.


The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk. (2018). How can I help to improve my child’s reading comprehension? Two useful strategies for reading at home. Austin, TX: Author.

The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk. (2018). ¿Como puedo ayudar a mejorar la comprensión de lectura de mi hijo? Dos estrategias útiles para leer en casa. Austin, TX: Author.