Applications are open for four Institute of Education Sciences (IES) summer workshops on research methods.
The following workshop descriptions are from an IES announcement:
- Evidence-Based Intervention Training for Education: This program trains teams (2–6 people) working together on the use of evidence-based interventions in educational settings. The teams may come from the same school or district and include research partners. The training will be held June 21–24 and follow-up coaching will be provided during the academic year. Applications are due by April 15. For more information, visit the website of The Ohio State University.
- Economic Analysis: This program will hold two workshops. The first is a 3-day training (July 6–8) for state and local analysts who support significant policy decisions and the allocation of educational resources within and across districts. The second is a 5-day training (July 11–15) for education researchers who are undertaking or planning to undertake cost-effectiveness and benefit-cost analyses in education. Applications are due by noon on March 31. For more information, visit the website of the Center for Benefit-Cost Studies of Education.
- Cluster-Randomized Trials: This program provides training on carrying out rigorous evaluations of the impact of education interventions, including planning, implementing, and analyzing data for cluster-randomized trials. The workshop will be held June 20–30. Applications are due by March 18. For more information, visit the website of Northwestern University.
- Meta-analysis: This program will train researchers in state-of-the-art meta-analytic techniques. The workshop will be held July 24–30. Applications are due by March 31. For more information, visit the website of the Meta-Analysis Training Institute.