Good readers rely primarily on print rather than on pictures or context to help them identify familiar and not-so-familiar words. For this reason, it is critical that students learn common sound-letter correspondences and effective sounding-out strategies including: using word families; blending; structural analysis; identification of root words; and prefixes and suffixes. This professional development guide introduces audiences to: (a) word analysis and its importance to reading success; (b) activities for teaching word analysis; and (c) approaches to monitoring children’s progress in word recognition.
The guide contains four sections of materials for presenters of word analysis.
- The Professional Development section includes speaker’s notes and suggestions on how to guide participants through the workshop.
- The Overheads section contains transparencies containing key points and activities to accompany speaker’s notes.
- The Handouts section includes workshop notes for participants to take notes on the presentation and activity handouts for group activities.
- The Appendices section provides a list of references for word analysis research.
This guide also contains general adaptations (i.e., instructional design, instruction and curricula, behavioral support) and specific adaptations (e.g., how to teach letter-sound correspondences through explicit instruction) that will benefit struggling readers and writers, including students with disabilities.