Word Study for Students With Learning Disabilities and English Language Learners


For some students, acquisition of reading does not occur easily. This is particularly true for students with disabilities as well as for students who are English language learners.

One of the essential elements leading to reading achievement is word recognition ability. Students’ word recognition ability can be improved through word study instruction: providing students with very explicit instruction in the use of word analysis strategies in both reading and writing. The main instructional objectives in word analysis are to systematically (step-by-step) teach letter-sound relations, ensuring that students apply their knowledge in order to read words.

Funded by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs, the intent of this manual is to present effective instructional techniques and lessons for teaching word study to all students with reading difficulties, including those who are English language learners. The first section provides an overview of effective word study instruction, including sample sequences for instruction and adaptations for English language learners. The second section provides lessons and activities to use in the area of word study.