Teaching the Viewing and Representing TEKS in the English Language Arts Curriculum (Revised)


The Viewing and Representing TEKS include the areas of interpretation, analysis, and production, which help students in grades four through twelve become critical consumers and capable producers of media. The guide includes mini-lessons, lessons, and examples of integrating the Viewing and Representing TEKS with English Language Arts to enhance instruction.

Professional development guides include the following materials for workshop presenters:

  • Presentation slides, which present key points and activities, offered in two formats: overhead transparencies and Adobe PDF presentations
  • Speaker’s notes and activities to accompany the presentation slides
  • Informational and notetaking handouts for participants
  • References

This guide also contains general adaptations (i.e., instructional design, instruction and curricula, behavioral support) and specific adaptations (e.g., print media lesson adaptations for a student with visual impairments) that will benefit struggling readers and writers, including students with disabilities.